Chapter Four

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Third POV:

Jungkook had brought an extra chair for Jimin to sit down in and stood beside Taehyung as Taehyung began his interrogation with one of the men, the other man was in another room tied down and gagged. Jimin looked around and noticed the table beside Yoongi with a whole bunch of things, they looked like torturing devices to him. Were they going to torture this man in front of him? Was he going to witness a death? He looked down to the ground his body started trembling again.

"Name?" Jimin looked up once he heard the loud but deep voice of Taehyung who was standing in front of the tied man on the chair. The man didn't speak even after Jungkook removed the gag from the man's mouth. "I asked you a question. What is your name?" Taehyung spoke he had a small pocketknife as he walked around the man slowly, his voice intimidating and dominating the air around the room.

Jimin almost sat up straight after he spoke but bit his lip fiddling with his finger nails instead. Jungkook stood in front of the man as Taehyung walked slowly around the man, every so often gliding the knife lightly across the man's neck. Jimin noticed the man shuddering ever so slightly. But still, the man never uttered a word.

"He's not going to ask you again, state your name," Jungkook said next, his biceps and triceps bulging slightly under his button-down shirt. The man gulped his Adams apple bobbing as he did so. Taehyung groaned, his voice filled with annoyance and swung the knife cutting the male about two inches into his shoulders skin.

Jimin winced and shut his eyes turning his head away when he saw Taehyung swing the knife. "It's better you look," Jimin looked up when he heard the voice of Yoongi. He was shocked at the blond's words, his eyes widening and replied, "Are you fucking crazy? Why would I look at someone fucking stabbing some one?" Yoongi sighed and bent down to whisper in Jimin's ear as Taehyung and Jungkook carried on with the man.

"Because, you got yourself caught up in my gang, and now you have to join. That's how this life works, period." Yoongi said and Jimin sighed basically shoving his face into his hands. His entire world was crashing down all because he got him self mixed in with gangs. Will they even let him leave the mansion to continue his life teaching dance, with Jin-hyung?

Jimin went to speak but Yoongi had walked away back over to Hoseok's side wrapping an arm around the younger's waist. The dance instructor sighed to himself, again for the millionth time that night and leaned against the back part of the chair and looked back over to Taehyung and Jungkook. He noticed, Namjoon, in a chair next to Yoongi as well, on his laptop again.

"J-Joshua," the man, Joshua yelled out as Taehyung cut him deeper, and closer to his neck for the fourth time. "What gang are you from?" Taehyung growled out annoyed that this is taking longer than his usual interrogations are. "S-Sev-Seventeen," Joshua gasped out as Jungkook pulled at his air for not answering Taehyung immediately. "Seventeen? I thought they had disbanded years ago?" Yoongi spoke up walking forward Hoseok still wrapped in his left arm.

"W-we went into h-hiding, m-more like our leader made us go into hiding," he said, swallowing. "Why did you come after me, who is the other man?" Yoongi growled out already needing another fix of coke. "I don't know, our leader just gave us a name and orders, and his name is Vernon," Joshua said looking down to the ground, Jungkook still had his hand gripped tightly in Joshua's hair.

"I'll ask one more time, why did you come after me?" Yoongi spoke and Jimin shuddered at the tone of voice he was using. "I really don't know, he didn't tell us why we had to go over you, he just gave us your name and orders to capture you, alive." Joshua spit out then winced as Taehyung stabbed his shoulder this time slicing into a couple important tendons.

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