Chapter - One.

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One Monday evening. I was home, as I had no class left to attend so I came back early. I was in my room. The door locked was like always. Wondering what Maa-Papa were talking about. I went to our drawing room. As I stepped in front of them they stopped. They suddenly stopped talking, looking at me. Something out there is definitely fishy. I blabbered.

"Something wrong was done by me, again?" I asked them, blankly. Mom was quite and Papa said; "Nothing. We were just talking about You. You grew up so fast. And now we think it's the time for you to get married" "Sorry, what?". I was left awestruck. "There clearly was a talk between us where we discussed about it. I am not letting you guys to talk about this matter till I say I'm ready for marriage" I reacted, badly.

"Lower your voice. Don't forget he is your Dad." mom said. "Look Nishi beta, you are twenty-four, now. And at the same age I was carrying Nishtha in my womb" Mom spoke up. "We aren't telling you to tie the knot up with someone. We are just saying that to meet him, to know him, you just have to give it a chance, you know?" she added.

"Wait a moment. What does 'Just Saying To Meet' stand by? No!", I was shocked. "Let me guess, you have chosen a guy right? Like, there is someone who is interested in me. No?" I left my parents silent. Their silence gave my answer. "No", came Dad's voice. "We haven't", Mom said. "We haven't chosen a guy, yet. We just thought we should at first take your approval and then do what we want to.", Dad said.

"Thank goodness. Okay, so here's what I want to say - I do not want to get married. Let my Final Examinations end, I'll let you know about my decision", I said. I went to my room in anger, of course. And slammed the door.

I sat on my desk and buried my face between palms and bursted out,crying. I don't know why but they are like never happy seeing me being happy. Each time when I think things are getting normal they mess it up much more and like always it takes me ages to accept it that It's all over. I don't know why but somewhere there's a feeling which says that my parents feel like I probably was in relation with some guy. I or Him broke up, and which gave me pains.

Somewhere they are lacking to see that I've spent somewhat twenty-four fucking years of my own life. Okay, let's not say twenty-four. Let's say eighteen or nineteen or twenty? I have lived these years by myself. My ups and downs everything was handled by me only. I'm happy being alone. I'm all happy in living my life in my style. They think that I am in need of someone who is going to fulfill my needs.

They are simply unable to understand that One doesn't need another one just to fulfill their needs. I grabbed my iPhone from my bed. And dialed Anita's number. "Hi.' she said. "Can we meet tomorrow at the Coffee Booth?"I said in one go. "Yeah sure but why do You sound so disturbed? Everything is okay?" she asked. "Can we discuss about it tomorrow? " I said in a soft voice. "Fine." "Bye" I said and we cut the call.

The second I cut the call, I licked my lips. And scrolled through the gallery. Seeing there is barely 9 or maybe less pictures of mine, with my very own parents. I'm not a 'PhotoHolic'. I don't like clicking pictures. Not even mine as well. But the pictures I have stored in my gallery are very special. They play such an important role in life that no one can even imagine.

I had to struggle a lot; I repeat, A Lot. And still that hard work, struggle hasn't even payed off, yet. It's hard as fuck to see or bear yourself how you are shattering. And those persons who claim to be with you know nothing about this. I have no idea if my parents play any important role in my life but Anii. She plays. I know her since 6th standard. And that girl is insane. She has been a bitch and an angel. She's been a blessing to me.

While I glared at the picture, a knock on the door disturbed me. I wiped the tear that stumbled down my cheek. I hopped out of the bed and twisted the knob. The door clung open and revealed Maa and Papa. Maa had a plate on her hand. "Can we come in?", Dad asked. "Please?", Maa pleaded. I nodded and they entered my room. Dad and Mom sat on my bed and I too sat between them. "Do you want to have something?", She asked. I nodded and she passed me the plate. I took it and said,

"Maa", their eyes shot at me. "Tomorrow is Nishtha Di's daughter's naming ceremony. Let that pass away at first, then we will think of my marriage. I honestly don't want to get married now. But, since you have said that, I can only complete my FCPS after getting married, then I will get married.", I said.

My parents' eyes especially my mother's eyes watered up and she kept her hand on her mouth. She sobbed silently. "Why are you crying?", I asked. "Because, you have finally agreed to get married, child", Maa said. She hugged me. After that, she fed me and they left. I dozed off.

Next Morning.

A morning like every other morning started by hearing the harsh alarm tone. Snoozing it I fall back to bed. Keeping my eyes shut. Feeling the breeze. The stand-fan near me sounded much like the mild jerks of train wheels. I got up and sat down; hugging my legs.

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