Chapter - Nine.

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While I sat on the swing, in my new bedroom, I took a sip of coffee from my mug. My parents’s voice echoed in my ears.

“Beta, you’ve turned twenty-five years old, already. It’s high time you get married”, my father advised. Out of aggression, I said, “Fine, then! I’ll get married to whoever you say. Better start finding someone for me”.

My parents looked at each other, they dragged in a sharp breath and said, “We have. We have found a suitable girl for you. You know her very well”. My heart thought, ‘It must be Anita’. But I knew, that my parents don’t like her that too much.

“It’s Mehta Ji’s youngest daughter. She’s absolutely perfect for you.”, my father said, “Nandita, what was  her name, again?”, Nandita Pathak Raval — my father’s second wife. My father couldn’t stay alone. He needed a person to stay with, and after my biological mother’s untimely demise, he got married to Nandita — whom now I happen to call, ‘Mom’.

Nishita. Nishita Mehta”, mom said. Of course, it was her. Because, she’s the only single daughter left that Mehtas have. She’s Anita’s best friend. She’s Nishtha’s sister. Nishtha, whom I had once dated. And now, I’d be getting married to her sister.

Nishita or should I say, Brownie?

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