The nurse walked to the other side of the bed to check Beam's vital signs one last time. She nodded her satisfaction and headed back toward the door.

"He is doing well. When he gets discharged tomorrow, make sure he gets lots of rest, limit the amount of loud noises and bright lights he is surrounded by, stay hydrated, and no excess movement of his head or neck. He might have a headache for a few days, especially when he wakes up so limit the amount of time he stares at digital screens too."

Forth nodded his head.

She walked out then quickly popped her head back in. "Oh, and no romantic business."

Forth choked on the broth he had just slurped and dropped the spoon back into the bowl. What did she just say??

He looked at the nurse in shock and she looked back at him, smiling. "You have been very sweet with him. But he must recover first." She gave a knowing nod then finally disappeared out the door. Forth still felt like he had noodles lodged in his throat. Romantic??

He shook his head and finished his noodles, then set the tray to the side. He was about to go get comfortable on the couch when Beam's phone on the bedside table began to buzz. Out of curiosity, Forth looked and saw that they were from Kit and Phana.

Phana: You awake yet?

Kit: How are you doing? Still in pain?

Forth smirked a little. Phana and Kit were good friends. His friends on the other hand were just weird and always trying to play matchmaker for him.

At that moment, Beam shifted in the bed. Forth froze.


No answer. Forth waited for a while but he didn't move again. Once again, he reached up and gently pushed Beam's bangs out of his eyes. He left his hand resting over top his head and Beam shifted again and turned his face toward Forth. Forth froze again.


He waited a moment. No response.

Forth sighed and removed his hand. He rested his chin back in his hand and continued to stare at him as he slept. He really was pretty. Symmetrical face. Perfect, thick eyebrows. Before he could stop himself he reached out toward Beam and traced his thumb over his eyebrow.

"I'm sorry for hurting you." He said aloud. He was about to get up again to head to the couch when Beam moved for the third time. This time, his eyes fluttered open.

It took a moment to focus on Forth's face but when he finally did, his eyes grew wide and he tried to sit up. But as he did, an intense pain shot through the middle of his face and encompassed his head.


"Take it easy!" Forth said and he hurriedly tried to lay Beam back down. He gently pushed him back by the shoulders. "You have a concussion. You can't move around that quickly."

Beam looked around the room as he lay back. "What time is it? How long did I sleep?"

"Almost four hours."

Beam looked at Forth and he could feel his heartbeat starting to speed up like it always does at the sight of Forth.

"Where are my friends?"

"They went back to the dorms. The nurse thought you would sleep the rest of the night so they left when they found out your nose wasn't broken and that the nurse wanted you to spend the night here."

Beam lay silently and both boys just looked at each other. Beam's stare was starting to make Forth feel strange.

"Why are you here?" He asked in a smaller voice.

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