"I changed my mind."

"Ai'Beam." Phana called him, a note of annoyance in his voice.

"Let's go eat instead."

Kit started laughing."You are such a little wimp, Ai'Beam. Let's just play. Forth won't bite you." He said, grabbing his arm and pulling him on as they walked. "Or maybe he will." He said mischievously.

"You-!" Beam raised his fist at him but didn't swing. Kit and Phana laughed as they walked onto the court.

"You guys need some players?" Phana called out and all heads turned to see who was talking.

"Aye, Pha! What's up, man?" Forth broke away from the group and met Phana as he, Kit, and Beam approached.

"Not much. You guys starting a game?"

"Trying to. But these guys have played two games already and are ready to go. So we don't have any opponents. Do you guys want to play? You three against me and my guys."

"Sure. Who have you got?" Phana asked as they both looked at the guys on the court.

"That's Chris. And that's Duke."

Phana looked at the boys then turned to look back at Kit and Beam. Kit and Beam had good playing skills but Chris and Duke completely overtook them in size. Especially Chris.

Right on cue, both boys walked over. Phana looked at them and nodded.

"3 on 3?"

Both boys nodded.

"Cool, man up! Phana, I got you." Forth said confidently as he ran to go get the ball.

Beam was so busy watching Forth run gracefully across the court that he didn't notice Duke directly in his face.

Duke waved his hands. "Anybody home?"

Beam was startled at his presence. "Sorry...uh...yea." They both walked over to the court, passing Kit and Chris as they went.

Kit looked up at Chris who was standing directly in front of him, arms crossed. Chris looked down at Kit and smirked. He was practically twice his size. Kit's head stopped at the top of Chris's rib cage and with his arms folded over his chest like that, it made his arms look massive.

Kit frowned and looked off in aggravation. "You have got to be kidding me." He mumbled under his breath. His biceps are the size of my head!

"Alright, heads or tails?" Forth asked Phana as he positioned a coin on his hand.

"Tails, but um..." He trailed off as he looked at his friends and their partners. "I think we should change opponents."

Forth looked confused as he looked out at the rest of the guys. He looked at Beam and Duke. There was a size difference but not much. Then his eyes landed on Chris and Kit. Chris still had his arms folded and was looking very smug. Kit looked as tiny as ever.

"I see what you mean."

"I'll play Chris." Phana said, walking over to him. It only seemed fair as Phana was closest to his size. He was actually slightly taller than Chris. Chris just had a lot of muscles.

"Kit and Duke, you two together." Forth said, then his eyes landed on Beam. Beam immediately went rigid.

Oh no oh no oh no.

"It's you and me, Beam."

Beam gave a slight nod and stiffly walked over to Forth. Forth flipped the coin and let it fall to the ground.

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