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"Wait, so you actually gave your waiter last night your number?" Hoseok asked the disheveled alpha on his couch as he poured them both some coffee. "How drunk were you?"

"For your information, it was a business dinner~" Yoongi defended himself, accepting the cup of coffee from Hoseok as he sat down next to him.

"That does not answer my question." Hoseok stared at Yoongi until he caved.

"Okay, I might have been a little tipsy, but I was not drunk." Yoongi insisted. "I didn't get drunk until after dinner when I went to The Magic Shop."

"Dude, you went without me?!" The Magic Shop was a well-known strip club in the community, commonly frequented by unmated alphas. Hoseok and Yoongi had been regular customers for years, a substantial portion of their income going towards tipping the dancers.

Yoongi shrugged. "You told me not to bother you because you needed to prepare for the upcoming season." Hoseok ran a small dance company that held classes for all ages and genres, and the fall season classes would be starting soon.

Hoseok gave Yoongi a flat look. "Yet you feel no guilt over banging on my door at three in the morning completely wasted and wanting to crash on my couch?" Hoseok rolled his eyes when he didn't get a response from Yoongi. "I'm gonna go take a shower, you need one too, you still smell like alcohol and strippers."

Hoseok stood from the couch as Yoongi's phone dinged. The older alpha grabbed his phone from the floor where his pants lay and unlocked it, seeing a text from an unknown number. Hi, it's Jimin. You know, your waiter from last night. Yoongi couldn't help the small smile that tugged at the corners of his mouth as he typed out a response.


Jimin scratched his head as he walked out of his bedroom, stopping just before he reached the end of the hallway and sniffing the air as he realized there was an unfamiliar scent permeating through his home. Strawberries? Jimin continued his journey, freezing in the middle of the open living room and kitchen as he saw Jin bustling around the kitchen. "Dad?"

Jin turned around, a baking dish in his hands. "Strawberry oatmeal breakfast bar?" Jin offered, seemingly not picking up on the extreme confusion the younger omega was feeling at the moment.

"Dad, are you feeling okay?" Jimin slowly approached the other omega, who had set the baking dish in the middle of the already set table and was serving portions of it onto four plates.

"Of course, why do you ask?" Jin responded nonchalantly.

Jimin's confusion quickly morphed into anger as a thought popped into his head. "Okay, what drugs did you sneak into my house?"

Jin just laughed in response. "I'm not on drugs, Jimin." Before Jimin could ask just what the hell was up with his dad, Jin jumped into an explanation. "When I lost my job, I decided to find a hobby to pass the time until I could find another one, and since I could no longer cook meth, I thought why not try cooking food. I'm actually pretty good at it." Jin broke off a piece of the breakfast bar and approached Jimin with it. "Here, try it~"

"I don't want-" Jimin stopped talking as Jin stuck the piece of food in his mouth, eyes widening at the burst of flavors exploding on his tongue. "Oh my god, that's amazing!"

"I told you!" Jin exclaimed as he felt the phone in his pocket vibrate. "Oh, one second~" He pulled out the electronic and read the text across the screen as Jimin recognized the familiar object in his dad's hands.

"Is that my phone?" Jimin asked, although he already knew the answer.

Jin just nodded. "Yeah, I couldn't sleep last night, so I decided to snoop through your stuff since I haven't had the chance to in years." He ignored the glare Jimin was shooting his way as he began to type out a response. "Found some guy's number and thought that he must be cute if you actually kept it instead of throwing it away, so I decided to text him for you." Jimin's eyes widened and he lunged towards his dad to get his phone back, but Jin just ran away, starting a chase between the two omegas. "You shouldn't be so upset, because now you have a lunch date with him for tomorrow."

"I don't have time to date!" Jimin exclaimed, finally catching up to his dad and ripping the device from his hands, quickly scrolling through the conversation to make sure he hadn't embarrassed him.

Jin waved his hand dismissively through the air. "I checked your calendar and you're completely free tomorrow at noon. You're welcome." Jin paused for a few seconds before speaking again. "By the way, I noticed that you have a gyno appointment Friday, everything okay down there?"

Jimin just looked up and glared at Jin as Jungkook entered the room, visibly nervous about something. "Hey, Kookie, what's wrong?"

"My heat hasn't come yet." Jungkook nervously scratched his arm.

Jin stepped in, wrapping his arms around Jungkook before Jimin could, Jimin shooting his father another glare. "Heats can be irregular for the first few years after you present. There's nothing to be worried about." Jungkook nodded, visibly relaxing slightly.

"He's right," Jimin said, now stepping forward to talk to his son. "I'm sure it'll come any day now. When were you supposed to get it?"

Jungkook swallowed nervously. "A month ago~"

Jin and Jimin looked at each other wide eyed. "Well they're definitely not supposed to be that irregular." Jin said, and that was when Jungkook began to panic.

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