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All that filled the room was the sound of forks scraping against plates, an awkwardness settling over the family as they realized they didn't exactly know what to talk about. Thank god for Soyoung, who was still to innocent to completely understand why this dinner was such a big deal. "So, you know TXT?!" She asked Namjoon with wide eyes, as she had been stuck on that ever since she found out he owned the company her favorite boyband was signed to.

Namjoon chuckled. "I do, maybe one day I can take you over to meet them."

Soyoung's mouth dropped open in delight and the young girl quickly looked at her dad. "Can I?!"

Jimin chuckled at his pup's excitement. "I don't know, maybe one day." Jimin said, his way of letting Namjoon know that he was seriously giving him a shot.

"Maybe you could get them to do a mini concert in the backyard for her birthday." Seokjin suggested. "It's in December, just a few days after mine."

"That's award show season." Namjoon stated. "They might be busy; they might even be out of the country for MAMA..." He trailed off as he looked up and made eye contact with Seokjin. "I mean, I'll see what I can do."

Seokjin nodded, patting Namjoon's arm. "Good boy~"

Jimin couldn't help the smile that crossed his face as he realized just how truly and fully whipped Namjoon was for his father. And from the gleam in Seokjin's eyes every time he glanced over at the alpha, he could safely say it was the same for him. With that, Jimin knew he could trust Namjoon not to hurt his dad, and by proxy himself, again.


Jimin headed to Yoongi's apartment not long after dinner ended, nerves bubbling in his stomach as the alpha lead him to his bedroom. "Well, here it is~" Yoongi said, gesturing around the area. "Do whatever you need to do to get comfortable." The alpha was obviously nervous as he rubbed the back of his neck. The omega nodded and took a deep breath, removing his bag from his shoulder to begin taking out the items he had brought for his nest. His hands shook as he began to arrange the pillows blankets and objects from his home in the way he liked. "You okay?" Yoongi asked, the alpha's voice filled with concern.

"Yeah, just nervous~" Jimin answered, fluffing up one of the pillows.

"About what?" Yoongi asked, moving closer to the bed.

"A lot of things~" Jimin said honestly, moving to sit in the middle of his nest, although he still didn't feel quite settled yet. "I've never spent a heat with an alpha before." Yoongi's cheeks flushed at the confirmation that he would be Jimin's first in that sense. "And I can't even remember the last time I had sex sober...well I guess technically Chanyeol, but I don't really count that because that was during the worst point in my sobering process and I was under emotional distress."

Yoongi wanted to reach out to hug Jimin but knew better than to try to enter an omega's territory before being given permission. "We don't have to do anything if you don't want to."

Jimin's cheeks burned, and he couldn't tell if it was from his encroaching heat or from how sweet Yoongi was. "I want to~" He said quietly, his gaze falling on the sweatshirt the alpha currently sported and he realized why his nest still felt off. "Take it off." He demanded, crawling to the end of the bed where Yoongi was standing and tugging at the bottom of the sweatshirt.

"Well you move fast." Yoongi teased, pulling the clothing over his head.

"It's for my nest, pervert." Jimin giggled, moving to nestle the sweatshirt between the two pillows at the head of the bed, that way he would be able to smell Yoongi's scent whenever he was laying down whether it be from sleeping or...other things. "There, you can now enter."

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