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"Explain to me how this happened." Jimin paced in front of Seokjin as he sat on the couch. It was the morning after Seokjin had blurted out that he and Namjoon were together again and the younger omega had spent the entire night trying to process the information before going to his father for an explanation.

Seokjin took a deep breath before telling the story in one breath. "After you said that your insurance was no longer covering Jungkook's appointments, I started thinking of how to get the money for them. That is when I came up with Lejindary Sweets, but I knew that there was no way I would make enough money to completely cover the costs, so I decided to see just how serious your father was about his offer for financial support. He agreed to pay for Jungkook's appointments, but when I asked him to keep it a secret from you, since you probably hated him even more than I did after you met him and found out what happened between us, he said that he would only do it on the condition that I have regular dinners with him and tell him about you, Jungkook, and Soyoung so he could get to know you. Well I showed up at his place for the first dinner, and instead of talking about you guys, we ended up talking about us, I went off on him and finally got everything off of my chest, he cleared everything up and finally gave me the full story on why he dumped me, we realized there was a huge miscommunication happened, one thing led to another and we ended up fucking-" Jimin cringed at the image, "and here we are months later, happily together in a secret relationship until yesterday."

Jimin nodded slowly as he processed what his dad just told him. "So, he's not an asshole?"

Seokjin shook his head before pausing. "Well, he still kind of is, just not as much as we thought."

Jimin nodded again before sighing. "It isn't just about sex, right? I don't think I could stand it if he were just using you for that."

The older omega snorted. "Please, if anyone were using the other for sex, it would be me, not him." Jimin shrugged as he realized that were true. "Besides, it's not...I love him, and he loves me. We even talk about mating soon. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only reason we haven't yet is because I wanted you to know about us before we did."

Jimin felt a smile wanting to form as he saw the look of complete adoration in his father's eyes, presumably because of his alpha father, but the protective side of him refused to let it make its appearance. "I want to meet him."

Seokjin furrowed his eyebrows. "You already have-"

"I don't mean a couple of random run ins and me showing up at his office to confront him. I'm talking about an actual meeting where we sit down and get to know each other. And if I feel like he's not good enough for you or is using or manipulating you in any way, I will be castrating him."

Seokjin couldn't help but laugh at how much his son resembled him in his personality. "Of course, you have my complete permission. When would you like this meeting to happen?"

The younger omega thought it over before suddenly getting an idea, his eyes lighting up. "I think I have an idea." He sat down on the couch with his father to share something that had been on his mind since before his and Yoongi's initial break up.


"Would you seriously castrate him if you didn't approve?" It was a few days later and Yoongi and Jimin were spending their lunch break together as their breaks had matched up that day...well they did after Jimin showed Chanyeol that he had lawsuit papers ready for if he ever decided to actually go through with a sexual harassment lawsuit. Jimin had just finished sharing with Yoongi his conversation with his dad.

Jimin nodded. "Oh yeah, no one hurts my family. Besides, it wouldn't be my first time castrating an alpha." Yoongi choked on his water while Jimin nonchalantly took a bite of his chicken. "The last time I was hopped up on ecstasy and some asshole alpha was trying to take advantage of one of the other dancers at The Magic Shop back when I still worked there. So, I grabbed a knife off the table and did it right there. Thankfully it all got caught by the security camera so the cops could see that it was technically self-defense, so I didn't have to do any jail time."

Yoongi stared at Jimin in awe. "You are something else."

"So, I've been told~" Jimin shrugged, smiling at Yoongi as he leaned in to press a kiss to his cheek.

The alpha couldn't help but smile back at the omega as he took a bite of his own lunch. "So, when is this meeting with Namjoon happening?"

"In about two weeks." Jimin answered. "He's coming over for dinner, and then he's going to stay and help out with the pups and around the house while I go and stay at your house for the weekend." Yoongi looked at Jimin in confusion. "That way he can get to know Jungkook and Soyoung like he wants to."

"Since when are you staying at my house for a weekend?"

"Since I stopped taking my heat suppressants yesterday and will be having my first heat in 18 years in two weeks." Jimin looked into Yoongi's eyes as the alpha stared at him in surprise. "Are you okay with that?"

Yoongi nodded dumbfoundedly. "Yeah, I am, but...are you sure?" Jimin tilted his head slightly. "I mean are you sure you want to...with me?"

Jimin nodded with a soft smile. "I trust you~" Yoongi's smile returned full force as he leaned in to press his lips to the omega's.

The alpha pulled back just enough to speak. "Two weeks?" He asked for confirmation, earning a nod from Jimin as he repeated the two words. He kissed Jimin again, their lunch forgotten momentarily until Yoongi's phone buzzed with the alarm he had set to remind himself to head back to work.

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