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Jimin walked out of the restaurant through the employee entrance, balling up his uniform and shoving it in his bag. When he looked up, a small scream left him as he jumped, not expecting a certain alpha to be waiting outside for him. "Yoongi, what are you doing here?"

Yoongi shrugged. "I wanted to see you."

Jimin felt a spark of electricity run through his body at those words, but he suppressed it. "Yoongi, we're not-"

"Friends can want to see each other too." Yoongi insisted. "Plus, I have something to show you." He gestured for the omega to follow him before walking away. Jimin did follow him, but only to insist that he didn't have time.

"I need to go grocery shopping, my son wants to go look at baby stuff, I can't-"

Yoongi stopped as he got to his car, opening the passenger door for Jimin. "Trust me, you're going to want to come with me."

They stared at each other for a while, neither wanting to give in until Jimin finally broke. "Fine, but I'm going to drive my own car." Yoongi let Jimin have that, closing the car door and walking around to the driver's side as Jimin walked over to his own vehicle.

Jimin drove behind Yoongi only to find himself confused when the alpha led him to a dance studio. "Yoongi, what's going on?"

Yoongi casually led Jimin into the building as he answered. "My friend owns this place. He may or may not have said he would be willing to let you practice here for free if you wanted." Jimin looked at the alpha in surprise, and Yoongi just gave him a soft smile in return. "No dream is silly, nor should they be given up on." Before Jimin could thank him, they were already walking into one of the rooms, where who Jimin assumed to be Yoongi's friend was crouched down by the stereo. "Hobi!"

The other alpha stood up with a bright smile to greet his friend. His expression faltered a bit when he caught sight of the omega accompanying him, but he was able to quickly recover. "Hey, Yoongi, and this must be Jimin."

Jimin nodded, looking around the room in amazement. "This place is amazing!"

Hoseok smiled, although Yoongi could tell that it was somewhat forced. "Thank you. Go ahead and look around, test it out if you want." Jimin happily bounded off towards the center of the room and began to stretch, Yoongi watching him with a fond smile until Hoseok pinched him on the arm. Yoongi tried to keep his cry of pain to a low volume so as not to alarm Jimin as Hoseok whisper yelled, "How could you bring someone like him here?!"

Yoongi rubbed his sore arm while glaring at Hoseok. "What are you talking about? He wants to be a professional dancer, what's wrong with you?"

"He's already been a 'professional dancer'." Hoseok's use of air quotes caused Yoongi to furrow his eyebrows, not understanding what the other alpha was getting at. "Do you seriously not recognize him?" Yoongi looked back at Jimin, who was currently doing a short series of turns and other dance moves that the alpha couldn't be bothered to know the names of, before turning back to Hoseok, confusion still written across his face. "The Magic Shop?"

"I'm not following."

Hoseok sighed. "He used to be one of the most popular dancers there years ago. You've gotten at least five lap dances from him before." Yoongi looked at the omega once again before turning back to Yoongi with an expression that said, 'there's no way'. "Wow, you must have been extremely drunk every time we went there together."

Yoongi scoffed. "If he were actually a stripper and had given me lap dances like you claim he has, wouldn't he have recognized me."

Hoseok shrugged. "I'm pretty sure he was always drunk or high or something when performing. When he stopped dancing there, most people assumed he had ODed or something."

"Well I obviously didn't." Hoseok jumped, not having realized Jimin had made his way back to the two of them. "The Magic Shop has a policy against pregnant dancers, so they fired me." Yoongi nodded in understanding while Hoseok just looked embarrassed to be caught gossiping. "But it didn't bother me too much, the owner acts like it's this high-class place, but really he's harassing all of the dancers on a regular basis. I'm just glad that I'll never have to suck his cock again."

Hoseok looked over at Yoongi in shock at Jimin's bluntness only to see his friend looking at the omega with an expression of complete infatuation. "Wow, that's...wow~" was all the alpha could say in response.

Jimin shrugged. "It's whatever. If you have a problem with my former occupation, then I won't use the facility."

Hoseok was somewhat surprised by Jimin's statement. "Oh, thanks, that's really considerate-"

"Oh, it's not for you." Jimin cut the alpha off. "It's for my comfort. I wouldn't be able to practice in a place run by someone who thinks they can shame me for something they so very clearly enjoyed." Yoongi had stifle a laugh while Hoseok just looked down at the ground in shame. "I'm sure Solar would love to hear what you really think of her. You're still spending eight million won a week on just her performances, right?" Jimin turned his gaze on the other alpha. "Thanks anyway, Yoongi." The omega exited the room, leaving the two alphas behind.

Yoongi smacked Hoseok on the arm. "You really know how to fuck things up, don't ya?" Yoongi left his friend, chasing after the omega so he could apologize on his friend's behalf.

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