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Yoongi sat against the wall, legs pulled up and his arms wrapped around them as he watched Jimin dancing to Troye Sivan's Youth. He was completely mesmerized by the omega as he moved around the studio, putting his all into the choreography. When it ended, Yoongi clapped enthusiastically. "That was amazing!"

Jimin blushed slightly, breathing heavily as some sweat dripped down the side of his face, and shook his head. "Nah, it's really lacking a lot."

Yoongi scoffed as he stood up, walking over to the omega. "I have no idea what you are talking about, that was near perfection."

Jimin giggled a bit. "It's supposed to be a couple's dance, so it doesn't really look right doing it alone."

"Then I'll be your partner." Jimin looked at Yoongi in slight shock as the alpha moved to stand in the middle of the studio. "Come on, teach me~" Jimin scoffed a bit in disbelief before walking over and slowly showing him the choreography.

Yoongi wasn't the greatest dancer in the world, but for someone who had no prior experience, Jimin was amazed by how well he could keep up, even if he was stumbling every few seconds. Halfway through their first run through with the music after Jimin showed him the full choreography, Yoongi's stumbling sent him and the omega to the floor, Yoongi on top of Jimin. After processing what happened, Jimin burst into giggles, Yoongi soon joining in with his own laughter. As they both calmed down, Jimin realized just how close Yoongi was to him. Normally that would have freaked him out, but in that moment, everything felt right. Before he could get too into his head about it, Jimin lifted his head up and pressed his lips to Yoongi's, his arms soon following to wrap around the alpha's neck.

Yoongi was shocked at first, not having expected Jimin to kiss him, but he soon fell into the kiss, adjusting himself on top of the omega so they could both be more comfortable as the kiss deepened. Yoongi prodded his tongue against Jimin's full bottom lip, and the omega eagerly welcomed it, parting his lips and flicking his own tongue against Yoongi's.

After a few minutes of making out on the dance studio floor, Jimin began to feel a stirring sensation in his abdomen. A sensation that made him pull away from the alpha. "We need to stop~"

Yoongi's heart dropped as he was sure that the omega was now regretting kissing him and would break off their friendship. "Oh, okay~"

Jimin sensed what Yoongi's drop in mood was about, so he quickly reassured the alpha. "No, not because I regret kissing you, in fact I'm wondering why I didn't do it sooner." Yoongi blushed slightly, his pink cheeks matching Jimin's. "But if we're going to do this, then we need to do it right." Yoongi tilted his head at that. "I've never done a relationship properly before, and since I'm doing this whole working on myself thing..." Jimin trailed off as Yoongi understood what he was getting at.

"Yeah, of course~" Yoongi agreed. "So, is this where we do the boundaries and limits talk?"

"Or we can go back to kissing with an agreement that we don't go any further and save the actual talk for another day." Yoongi chuckled at Jimin, butterflies erupting in his stomach as the omega smiled up at him in his own laughter, and leaned down to press their lips together once again.


Seokjin was staring at the wall, in a rare moment of awkwardness as Namjoon spooned him thanks to the alpha's knot that had yet to go down. He could feel Namjoon staring at him but couldn't find it in him to tilt his head so he could look at him too. "Just for the record," Seokjin finally spoke up, Namjoon humming in response as Namjoon continued to stare down at him while propping himself up on his elbow. "This doesn't change anything." The omega finally turned his head slightly, just enough so that he could see the alpha behind him. "I'm still mad at you and me letting you fuck me doesn't put you in the clear."

"I know~" Namjoon responded quietly, rubbing his thumb along Seokjin's stomach as he continued to spoon him. "Like I said, I know that I can never make it up to you, but I'll do my damned hardest to try." Namjoon gave him a small smile, his dimple peeking out at the action.

Seokjin immediately had to fight off his own smile, but failed to do so, resulting in him elbowing the alpha. "Fuck you! Why do you have to make it so hard to be mad?"

Namjoon held Seokjin the tiniest bit closer. "Because you love me~"

Seokjin was quiet for a second, thinking over how he had convinced himself for over 30 years that he no longer loved the alpha beside him. And in that moment, he was glad that that had been a lie. "Yeah, I think I might." By this point, Namjoon's knot had gone down enough that they could move, so Seokjin turned over and pressed his face into the crook of Namjoon's neck, breathing in the scent that he had missed so much.


Seokjin slowly opened the door to his and Jimin's home, hoping that everyone was asleep so they wouldn't notice just how late he was. That hope vanished when he heard, "Welcome home, slut~"

Seokjin opened the door the rest of the way and stared at his son who was sitting on the couch with a mug of tea, smirking at him. "Say what you want, but I got a really good dicking tonight, so I'm feeling good."

Jimin rolled his eyes at his dad. "Are you about to start a spree again?"

Seokjin smiled at the thought of the alpha who had turned out to be the love of his life like he thought back in high school. "Nah, I think this time it might be steady thing." Jimin looked at his dad in shock but didn't get to ask anymore questions as the older omega went to the bathroom to take a shower.

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