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Namjoon woke up to an empty bed, but the scent of food wafting into his room kept his wolf at bay, assuring him that his omega was still in the vicinity. He stretched, groaning when his back popped, before climbing out of bed and padding out of the room. He stopped briefly when he saw Seokjin at the stove, clothed only in one of the alpha's sweatshirts, warmth spreading through his chest as he continued his quest to have the omega in his arms again.

"Look who finally decided to wake up." Seokjin greeted as he felt Namjoon's arms sliding around his waist.

Namjoon just hummed in response, resting his chin on the omega's shoulder. "You were asleep when I got home." He said as Seokjin removed the pan with their breakfast from the burner, setting it off to the side to cool.

"Yeah, your parents still have the power to drain me." The omega turned around in the alpha's arms, wrapping his own arms around Namjoon's neck and nosing at his cheek.

"Why'd you have to tell them about us having sex in my dad's office?" Namjoon whined, his heart fluttering when Seokjin giggled as he continued to scent him. "You promised that it would be our little secret."

"And you promised that we would mate straight out of high school, have three pups, and live in a small house with a large backyard for them to play in."

Namjoon sighed, pulling back from the omega's scenting to look at him with guilt. "Baby-"

"Don't~" Seokjin cut him off, pulling him back so their foreheads were touching. "I'm not mad anymore." He whispered, rubbing his nose against the alpha's. "But I am still going to hold it over you, because then I can mooch off your guilt to get anything I want, and it'll get me off whenever I fuck up, and you and I both know that I am definitely going to fuck up a lot."

The couple laughed together as Namjoon unwrapped his arms from Seokjin's waist and instead placed his hands on either side of his face, thumbs stroking the omega's cheeks. "God, I love you~" The alpha whispered, lightly pressing his lips to Seokjin's.

Seokjin pulled away from the kiss just long enough to whisper 'I love you' back before pulling the alpha in again. As they kissed, Namjoon's hands slid from Seokjin's face back to the omega's hips, his grip tightening just enough to earn a quiet moan from him. Namjoon had just started trailing one hand down Seokjin's thigh when the omega stopped the kiss again. "I'm going to tell Jimin today." He said, moving his hands to Namjoon's face. "About us~"

Namjoon smiled widely at the announcement but couldn't help but also feel confused. "Why the sudden change of mind?"

"Well I can't exactly just return home one day with a mating mark and drop everything on him then, he'd die of a heart attack!" Seokjin exclaimed. "Plus, the sooner he knows, the sooner I can make sure no other omega ever tries to get their claws in you, because you're mine." A low growl rumbled through the alpha's chest at Seokjin's possessiveness, it affecting him the same way it always had when they were teenagers. "And also let other alphas know that I'm yours, I guess." Seokjin added on as if it were an afterthought, biting his lip at the brief flash of red in Namjoon's eyes.

"Yes, definitely tell him today. The sooner, the better" Namjoon agreed, pressing his lips to Seokjin's once again.


Yoongi woke up disoriented, trying to figure out whose couch he was on, because it definitely wasn't Hoseok's. As he sat up, hand to his head thanks to the pounding headache he had, a glass of water was thrust in his face.

"Here~" He looked up in surprise, both from realizing he had shown up at Jimin's house the night before, and because he couldn't figure out the tone the omega was using. "You'll definitely need these." The omega was holding out some pills in his other hand.

Yoongi quietly thanked him and took both, gulping down the glass of water as Jimin sat on the couch next to him. They sat in silence for a while as Yoongi waited for the painkillers to kick in. Once they had, he opened his mouth to speak, but Jimin beat him to it. "I think we should break up."

Yoongi's head snapped to the side, looking at the omega in shock. "What?" When Jimin didn't speak again, the alpha asked another question. "Is it because of what I said last night?" Of the hazy memories from the night before, the fact that Yoongi had told Jimin he loved him was what stood out the most to the alpha, so he decided Jimin's reaction must have something to do with that. "Was that too serious for you? Were you just wanting another fling?"

"No, I didn't want a fling, Yoongi!" Jimin exclaimed in offense. "I wanted so much more than that. God, I was even planning on going off of my heat suppressants for you."

Yoongi's eyes widened at Jimin's confession. "Then why?"

Jimin looked at the alpha in slight disbelief. "You showed up at my house drunk, Yoongi."

"It happened once." Yoongi defended himself.

"You showed up at my house once." Jimin said. "But what about all the other nights? Hoseok called your phone last night, worried because you hadn't shown up at his house like you usually do."

Yoongi was quiet for a few seconds. "It's not like I'm always drunk. I'm still able to go to work, do my job, without my drinking affecting it. I don't see what the problem is."

"Drinking alone, drinking purely to get drunk, and doing that on an almost nightly basis is a problem, Yoongi. And being in denial is also a problem. I would know!" Jimin took a shaky breath. "I spent half of my life putting my drunk father to bed, not getting any sleep because I was too afraid he would choke on his own vomit and die in his sleep. I spent the other half putting my own pups through that. And last night, I had to do it again. I can't go through that anymore, especially when it gets worse, because trust me, Yoongi, it will get worse."

The two sat in silence, Jimin refusing to look up from his lap. Finally, Yoongi broke the silence. "I guess that's that then." He slowly stood up from the couch, grabbing his phone and shoes before leaving the house. Once the door closed behind him, the tears started to fall from Jimin's eyes, his shoulders shaking as he buried his face in his hands.

A couple of hours later, he was still on the couch, now lying down in the fetal position, fresh tears flowing down his cheeks when the front door burst open again.

Seokjin bounded into the house, a bright smile plastered on his face as he prepared to profess to his son how in love he was, only for that smile to drop as he saw Jimin curled up on the couch, crying his heart out. "Jimin, what happened?" He quickly moved to sit on the couch next to the other omega.

Jimin took a shaky breath, sobbing harder as he spoke. "I had to break up with Yoongi~" He spoke barely above a whisper, his voice cracking with each word. Seokjin felt his heart break for his son, shifting to lie behind the heartbroken omega on the couch and holding him close to his chest.

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