Chapter 1 Part 1

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Simon PoV:
It's the tenth year of Britain's Got Talent, and I'm so happy that it's still going on! Today is the first day of auditions and I'm so excited to see everyone, especially Amanda! It's also 10 years since I've known Mandy and that's a big deal. David and Alesha keep telling me that I should tell Amanda how I feel but I'm not sure.

I finished getting ready and I jumped into the limo that was waiting outside my house. I met my driver Mark and he drove me to the studio. On the car ride I decided to look through my Instagram, there was lots of Simanda edits that I was tagged in, and loads of messages congratulating me for the tenth BGT year. I replied to some of the comments and sooner or later I was at the studio. I thanked Mark and I stood out of the car In front of lots of fans and interviewers. They took some photos and then I met up with 2 of the BGT judges, David and Alesha. "Hi guys!" I said as I gave Alesha a hug and David a handshake. We had some more photos taken and Amanda still hasn't shown up. We walked into the studio and I dragged Alesha and David straight to the judges room.

"Wow! What's the matter Simon?" David asked jokingly. "Amanda isn't here yet". I replied playing with my fingers. "It's okay Si, she's probably just late." Alesha said as she took a seat. I took a seat too and In came Ant and Dec. "Hello!" Ant said smiling. We all said hi back and had a catch up. I really wasn't listening because I was getting worried about Amanda. I must of started to day dream because everyone was calling me name. "Simon! Simon!" I suddenly back into reality. "Si, what's gotten into you?" Alesha asked worried. "Amanda still isn't he-. Before I could finish my sentence Amanda came rushing through the door. "Amanda!" I shouted as I walked up and gave her a hug. "Hi Si, I've missed you". She quietly whispered into my ear so know one else could hear. "I've missed you too". "SIMANDA!" Ant and Dec screamed. We just ignored them and sat down. "5 mins!" A producer shouted form the other side of the door. "Shoot! We have to get ready!" David said as he started running around the room. (Don't ask 😂) we all left but before i did I asked Amanda why she was late. She told me her car broke down but I wasn't to convinced. I tried to take her hand but she ran to her dressing room. "Something isn't right." I mumbled under my breath.

Amanda PoV:
Aaaaaahhhhh! I hate lying to him. I wasn't late because my car broke down I was late because I got caught up with something. It's 7 years since Wild At Heart ended, and there rumours going around that I'm coming back because it's starting up again. I don't even though if I can because my character died in a fire, but these days people always bring back chapters. I couldn't tell Simon because I don't want him to get upset. So that's why I was late, I was distracted by all the rumours.

To be honest I don't know why I ran away when Simon went to grab my hand, I just was a bit shocked and I wasn't thinking probably. I snapped out of my thoughts and finished getting ready. "2 minutes Ms Holden!" The head producer should through my door. "Coming!" I put all of my thoughts aside and went back stage. For the first audition I'm wearing this beautiful black and white dress.
(Picture below)

Alesha PoV:As I left to go and get ready I heard Simon ask Amanda why she was late, and when she told him, to me, it sounded like she made it up

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Alesha PoV:
As I left to go and get ready I heard Simon ask Amanda why she was late, and when she told him, to me, it sounded like she made it up. I'm getting a bit worried. Is Mandy hiding something? I wasn't to sure, so I stopped thinking about it and continued to get ready.

Once I was finished I met up with the other judges back stage and we waited patiently for Ant and Dec to call our names. "It's the tenth year of BGT and where do exited! So what are we waiting for, it's your Britain's Got Talent judges!" We walked through the crowd and I could hear everyone calling out ship names. I love it when they do that, and I definitely ship Simanda! We had a few photos and then we took out seats at the desk. Thankfully Amanda didn't look as panicked anymore. Everyone settled in and we finally began the auditions for the tenth year.

(Skip some of the auditions)

David PoV:
So far we have seen some good acts and bad ones but mostly funny ones. (Which I'm glad about). Ant and Dec told everyone that the break was almost over so everyone got ready. When the auditions are taking place Amanda is her normal chatty self, but during the breaks she goes quiet. This is strange.

The break soon ended and Ant told us that the last act is ready to audition. The studio lights faded and on came a small old woman dressed in black. "Hello, what's your name?" I asked her like we always do. "Judy." She replied. "and what are you going to be doing?" Simon asked. "Telling the future." She said with a big smirk on her face. "Well good luck!" I told her. Dec handed her a black crystal ball and she joined us at the panel. "This is my special crystal ball, I've had it for ages and it's always right." Judy began saying in a creep voice. "One Of you judges are gonna be my hit target but we will find out who in a min." Judy placed the crystal ball in the midst of the panel and asked each of us to hit out buzzer. "If it doesn't break by the sound you safe.... but if it does, your not." The audience went silent and all eyes were on us. I was told to press my buzzer first, my hands were shaking with fear but I pulled myself together and did it. "Your safe David." After me she asked Simon and he was also safe to. "Now it's down to the two girls." Judy said and her smirk grew bigger. She asks Alesha to press her buzzer and the crystal didn't break. The crowd began to whisper and I could see that Ant and Dec were scared. "Now Amanda, it's your turn." Amanda held her hands out in front of her and slowly pressed her buzzer. For a moment there was no sound but then suddenly the crystal ball broke and glass threw everywhere. Judy stepped closer to Amanda and looked at her in the eyes. "Amanda, be prepared for the future. Good things and bad things are coming your way, and this may be your last EVER BGT." The room went pitch black and there was a faint evil laugh in the background. The lights switched back on and Judy was gone.

Everyone was in shock but what did Judy mean?
So that's the first chapter of this book! Did you like it? Before I get asked, yes this is a Simanda book and there will be some Dalesha parts too. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and the next part coming soon...
Do you think Judy will be back?

Also one question, do any of you know how to put your own video into a chapter? If you do please leave a comment. Also please share this story!

Xoxo Ella

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