Chapter 4; Smoke In The Air

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I had decided to call in and tell the world that Phil was missing, even though I'm pretty sure he just has gone on a vacation somewhere. Or maybe he moved into a relative nearby because he thought Dan was to be coming home.

Philip. Philip Lester” I said sharply. “He left the BBC building yesterday at 11pm and he didn't come home. We haven't seen him since”

We, as in?” the female asked.

me and Dan, his flatmate”

She asked me some more firm questions before letting me off the line.

I hurried back home.

“Dan!” I ran upstairs and unlocked the door. “Dan, he wasn't there. Neither was his suitcase”

I took off my jacket and my shoes, then continued into the living room. I thought Dan were asleep, until I smelled the smoke. Cigarette smoke. Not again!

“Dan!” I yelled. “Where are you!?”

He coughed and tried to hide his location, but telling from the strong scent of cigarette smoke I could obviously figure out where he were. I walked straight into the kitchen.

“Dan, why are you smoking? And in MY kitchen!?” I complained.


“Do you know how many air-refreshers I'll have to use to get this smell away?”

“Easy there Amy, just let the windows be open” He said and took another puff.

I sighed. “Dan, I don't want you destroying yourself like this”

“Did it when I was 14, does it still when I'm 23, every time I break up with someone. I won't stop”

“You sound like Miley Cyrus” I said and giggled, before pulling out a chair. I sat down next to him.

“Do you want some?” Dan politely asked before letting out a little cough. He reached the cigarette out in front of me. “Or are you way too good for that?”

“Eh..well..” I shockingly said. “Nah, hand it over.”

I took a puff, or at least tried, then I let out an enormous cough filled with cigarette smoke.

“You've never smoked before, have you?”

I shook my head. “No, never.”

“Oh, so I'm not only destroying myself, but I'm destroying you too?” He said and took one more puff.


The doorbell rang and I got up to answer it. I held the cigarette in my left hand, a little bit risky since I'm right handed, and opened the door friendly.

“Sis!” she shouted. Oh shit.

I slammed the door in my sisters face and ran to the kitchen. “Dan! Hide!”

“What, why?” he asked and put away the cigarette.

“It's my sister, she's a fangirl.” Dan gave me a strange look saying 'and..?'.

“A hardcore, weird collecting-and-putting-your-hair-in-jars-Dangirl okay? So hide, it's for your own safety!”

Dan followed my order and hid himself under the sheets in my bed, while I ran to the toilet to spray two cans of air refreshers all over the apartment.

I opened the door, acting as calm as I possibly could.

“Was that a cigarette?” she said as soon as I opened the door.

“Sis!” I exclaimed and hugged her.

“Hi.. you smell of smoke?” she said wondering and held her head closer to smell me.

“I've been cooking, you know what it's like! I'm the worst, I only got a B in Home Economics” I said and went inside the living room.

“I'm just going to get some perfume, I'll be right back!” I said and hurried into my bedroom, with Dan in it.

“Dan!” I wheezed.

He put his head outside the covers. “Yea?”

I walked over to a shelf and took my perfume out. It smelled like roses, only a little bit sweeter. My favorite perfume, ever. I sprayed it on my body and all over my jeans and a little in my hair.

“Woah there, you'll be smelling of roses for centuries!” Dan said and sat up.

“Good!” I replied and walked over to him. I sat by his feet on the bed.

“Alright so you have two choices,” I said. “You can hide here until I manage to get her outside, or you can come out and have some tea with me and my crazy sister.”

Dan thought about it for a few seconds before replying, “I'll take a risk and come join you and your 'crazy' sister for a cup of tea”.

I starred at him questioning. “Alright then..”

I opened the bedroom door and my sisters eyes turned quickly my way. I stepped outside and after me, came Dan in his clothes from yesterday.

I could see the fangirl excitement in my sister's eyes as we approached her and her face turned bright red. “Eva, this is..” I made a gesture for Dan to introduce himself even though my sister practically knew everything about him already.

“Hi, I'm Dan.” He said and stretched out his hand. “Amy's boyfriend.”

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