'Eden, move!'

The car sputtered in front of her, Jonathan shaking his head from inside as the engine refused to turn over; tyres squealing behind her as Billy shifted her car into gear.

'Go,' She whispered.

Nancy lowered her gun slightly, confusion clear on her face.

'Go, Nancy!' She yelled, her hands still in the air as tear rolled down her cheek.

Once the girl had moved from in front of her, she turned to face Billy as he sped toward them; listening to the muffled yells behind the engine she focused on. She closed her eyes, drawing in one final breath which she held as the car didn't slow. A tear rolled down her cheek before she opened her eyes, ready to face death straight on.

'Billy! Stop! It's me! It's Eden!' She screamed.

She jumped when a convertible flew out of no where, slamming into the side of her car; sending it spinning away from her as it did the same. Eden's chest heaved as she stood stock still, silent tears rolling down her cheeks. Her head snapped around to her car when she smelt smoke, her eyes widening as she raced toward where Billy laid unconscious.

'Eden!' Jonathan called from behind her; 'Eden! We gotta go!'

'Go! I'll be ok!' She replied as she tugged on the door handle.


'Go, Jonathan! Save them!'

The Mind Flayer stood on the roof of the mall watching them, Eden ducking down to hide in the shadow of the car as it stepped down the side of the building and chased after the car. Once it was out of sight, she moved around to the other side of the car, coughing as the smoke invaded her lungs. She yanked the door open with a grunt, kneeling inside the car on the passenger seat; leaning across to undo Billy's seatbelt. She tugged on it when it refused to budge, clenching her teeth.

'Come on,' She growled, looking into the backseat of the car for a knife.

That was when she spotted the original hand radio Dustin had given her, her eyes wide as she reached for it. She'd thought she'd lost it, so she'd brought herself an exact replica so she didn't upset her littlest friend; the one she'd thrown at the wall.

'I knew it didn't loose it,' She muttered.

She turned it on, placing it beside her knee as she looked back into the backseat; voices quick to invade the silent car.

'Okay, let me just be clear on this,' An unfamiliar female voice caused her to pause and look down at the radio; 'I haven't heard from you in a week, and now you want a mathematical equation that you should know so you can save the world?'

'Suzie,' She whispered.

'Suzie-poo, I promise, I will make it up to you as soon as possible,' Dustin's voice crackled through.

'You can make it up to me now,' The girl stated.


'I want to hear it.'

'Not right now.'

'Yes, now, Dusty-bun.'

'Suzie-poo, this is urgent.'

'Yes, yes, you're saving the world, I heard you the first time, but Ged is also saving Earthsea and he's about to confront the shadow, so this is Suzie, signing off.'

The was a second silence before Dustin yelled, 'Wait, wait, wait! Okay. Okay. Okay.'

Eden's brows furrowed as she moved to look for her knife, only to pause once more as she heard Dustin sing.

'Turn around... Look at what you see,' His voice was in perfect tone and he held each note perfectly, making her jaw drop; 'In her face. The mirror of your dreams.'

'Make believe I'm everywhere, given in the light,' Suzie joined in; 'Written on the pages is the answer to a never-ending story.'

Her eyes remained wide as she reached for her knife she'd found tucked between the seats, popping the blade as she listened to the couple continued to sing as she worked.

'Reach the stars,' They sung; 'Fly a fantasy... Dream a dream, and what you see will be... Rhymes that keep their secrets will unfold behind the clouds. And there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never-ending story... Story...'

Dustin's goofy chuckle sounded as the singing stopped, Eden smiling softly as she cut through the seat belt.

'Planck's constant is six point six. Two. Six. Zero. Seven. Zero. Zero. Four,' Suzie rattled off.

'You just saved the world,' Dustin grinned.

'Gosh, I miss you, Dusty-bun.'

'And I miss you more, Suzie-poo.'

'I miss you more, multiplied by all the stars in our galaxy.'

'No, I miss you-'

Suddenly, all the voices were cut off. She glanced down at the radio, shaking her head as she slowly pulled Billy up to sit; wiping her thumb under his eyes to rid of the tears that lingered there, her throat closing up at the sight. That was when his body lurched forward with a harsh cough, sending hers jerking backwards. His eyes met hers, a battle instantly being fought in them as he held her gaze.

'It's ok,' She whispered; 'You won't hurt me.'

A tear rolled down his cheek as he turned away, shoving his shoulder into the door; sending it flying open. His body collapsed onto the concrete below, another cough leaving his mouth as he pulled himself along the floor. She rushed around the car, standing over him as he shut the door. He pushed himself up to stand, staring at her as his conflicted gaze moved over her face. She stepped toward him, only for him to stumble backwards away from her.

'Billy,' She croaked.

He looked at her for a second before something moved out of the corner of his eye, both their gazes snapped over to the missing trio; Mike and Max helping Eleven walk through the gate.

'Max! Run!' She screamed.

The trio paused, their eyes snapping to them before they were turning away. Billy turned to scowl at his girlfriend, fear in his eyes at the piercing urge to want to hit her; his hand tightening around the door handle. He stood for a second before he turned away staggering after the teens as they moved back toward the mall. Eden clenched her teeth, her eyes watering as she ran after them. A bad feeling rising in her stomach, making her want to puke.

Smoke Clouds || Billy Hargrove { 1 }Where stories live. Discover now