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' Who the fuck is the bald beaver? '

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' Who the fuck is the bald beaver? '


Eden stood with her knees pressed to the side of the fountain as she looked into it, everyone gathered around near by. Eleven laid with her head in Hopper's lap on a bench behind her, propped up against his side as he held a cloth to her head to stop the bleeding; her leg rewrapped as Joyce held it in her lap. The rest of the kids either sat along the fountain or stood near to their friends, Robin curled up in a ball at the end with Max and Steve standing close by. She could feel Steve constantly glancing her way, but she ignored every look; not wanting to answer the questions he had for her. And because she couldn't let him be right. 

'The Mind Flayer, it built this monster in Hawkins, to stop El, to kill her and pave a way into our world,' Mike answered the question she missed.

'And it almost did. That was just one tiny piece of it,' Nancy added. 

'How big is this thing?' Hopper asked.

'It's big,' Jonathan came to stand by his best friend; 'Thirty feet, at least.'

'Yeah. It sorta destroyed your cabin,' Lucas winced; 'Sorry.'

'Okay, so, just to be clear, this this big fleshy spider thing that hurt El, it's some kind of gigantic weapon?' Steve suggested. 

'Yes,' Nancy nodded.

'But instead of, like, screws and metal, the Mind Flayer made its weapon with melted people.'

'Yes, exactly.'

'Yeah, okay. I- Yeah, I'm just making sure.'

'And freaking your friend out as you do it,' Eden stated without looking to him. 

'Are we sure this thing is still out there, still alive?' Joyce queried. 

'El beat the shit out of it, but, yeah, it's still alive,' Max spoke surely.

'But if we close the gate again,' Mike suggested.

'We cut the brain off from the body.'

'And kill it,' Lucas finished; 'Theoretically.'

Silence fell over them as the younger teens turned to look at Hopper, only for heavy footsteps to rush toward them. Eden looked up as the man hollered at them, cocking a brow as he flailed his paper filled hands around. 

'Who the fuck is the bald beaver?' She asked.

The man laughed sarcastically as he strode over, 'Very funny, kid.'


He walked past them to a table in the food court, slamming the paper down on the table as they gathered around. 

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