Chapter 20

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Alinia couldn't believe the size of the room Queen Aqua had given her. And it was across the hall from hers. She felt Queen Aqua had been too generous with the size and luxury of the room she had given Alinia. It was as large as two apartments. The bathing chamber was the size of a single apartment alone.

Alinia woke up to Queen Aqua coming in and bouncing on her bed. "Come on Lady Alinia," She said excitedly. Alinia groaned and got out of bed. Aqua laid on her stomach as she watched Alinia walk to the closet, her pink hair a nest from sleeping. "Dress casually," Aqua told her. Alinia made a sound like a mumbled okay, but Aqua couldn't make it out. Alinia came out in a soft sage green skirt that flowed to her feet and a white tunic that hung off of her shoulders. Alinia sat at her vanity and began brushing her hair. "So I was thinking of having breakfast in the coach so we don't burn good daylight. After all, it is a day's ride to get there," Aqua told her. "How do you run a kingdom so large?" Alinia asked her casually as she pinned part of her hair up, leaving the rest down. Aqua admired the natural curl it had, "With fear." Alinia glanced at her over her shoulder, "Fear?" "I run a kingdom filled with criminals. That fear is how I keep balance and peace. Without it, this place will crumble," She explained to her. Alinia nodded and went back to looking at the mirror.

"Tell me, if you could, would you take your throne," Aqua asked her curiously. Alinia shook her head, "I don't want to run a kingdom where I'm not wanted. That's how rebellions get started." Aqua scoffed, "Every kingdom has rebellions Alinia. Even my own. I can guarantee that our coach will be attacked by a rebel group on our way to the hot springs." "Why do you act so calm about it," Alinia asked her a little worried. Aqua shrugged a shoulder, "It happens all the time. Besides it gives me a chance to reinforce the fear my people feel. Before you ask, they do respect me and will tell you I've done wondrous things for my kingdom since I took to the throne. My kingdom isn't normal, so I can't use normal ways to rule it." Alinia nodded in understanding.

After Alinia slipped on her shoes, Aqua took her hand and lead her out of the room. "This is going to be so fun," Aqua exclaimed as they made their way through the castle.

Pyro sat beneath a tree in the garden reading a book when Theo came and sat next to him. "What are you reading, " Theo asked curiously. "A book on beasts and what their weaknesses are, " He replied. He put in his bookmark and looked up at his father. "Our family is breaking up, isn't it?"

"Maybe physically, yes, but we all have a bond that will keep us together forever, " Theo answered. "This is a chance for a new start my son. Feylun and his mate will finally have a house of their own and may even adopt some children to start their own family. Brice and Milo will most likely do the same. Xon has to figure out how he moves from here, and Gavin is even thinking of opening a shop with an apartment above." "What are we going to do, " Pyro asked him. "You are going to school and I will find a house to call our own, " Theo replied. "You are going to become a man so much better than I am Pyro. I just know it."

"What about Lady Alinia, " Pyro asked looking at the book in his hands. He'll be forever grateful for the things she has taught him. "She really loved Xon."

Theo nodded, "I know she did. Lady Alinia is a strong woman. She will move past this with ease and find someone else who can make her happy. Plus she will have us to lean on." Pyro looked at his dad and smiled, "You're right, she does."

Alinia sighed as she sank into the hot spring. "This is so nice, " Queen Aqua said with a smile. "I really should do this more often." "I used to live in a mountain that had many hot springs. I enjoyed them as often as I could. Gods, I've missed soaking in one, " Alinia shared with her. "It's even more peaceful without my band of merry misfits."

Queen Aqua laughed at that, "I can imagine so." Alinia smiled softly. Their laughter was nice echoing down the halls though. It had been a good change in her life. Now she didn't know how this new change will affect her relationship with them. They were her family, and she didn't know what she would do without them.

"Now that you and Xon aren't a thing anymore, what are you going to do, " Queen Aqua asked her curiously. Alinia sighed, "I'm not sure." "Well since you're a Lady, I can give you a piece of the kingdom to overlook, " she offered. Alinia shook her head, "I wouldn't know what to do. I can barely figure out things in my life, much less what to do with other people." Queen Aqua gave her a soft smile, "If you ever change your mind, let me know." Alinia returned her smile, "I will." Although, Alinia doubts she ever will.

After their soak, Queen Aqua went to get a massage while Alinia decided to relax while reading a book.

Xon stood in front of the old oak door that was in need of repairs. He knocked on the door, but there was no answer. He then heard the sound of chopping wood. He walked around the small orange stone cottage till he got to the back where his mate was chopping wood. She stopped and turned to look at him. She gave him a bright smile, "I was scared I wasn't going to see you again."

Xon's heart was clenched by his torn feelings. He wanted to embrace the chance the Gods had given him, yet he can't help but wonder why he just couldn't be with Alinia. He then felt angry that she didn't fight for him, but he understood her reasoning. She wanted to give him a chance to see if his mate was truly meant for him.

"Lady Alinia and I are no longer together, " Xon informed her. Her eyes lit up in joy then they became worried, "How did she take it?" "Rather well, I think. You don't have to worry about her, she isn't one to hold a grudge, " Xon assured her with a small smile. "I admit, I am slightly upset that I did have to end our relationship, but I would like to court you. I don't have much money since I only recently moved here so I can't give you any gifts, but I can offer my hands and assist you with preparing for the winter." She nodded, "I accept your courting gift." After all, ensuring she lives during the harshest of seasons was much better than any trinket he could've given her.

He nodded then took the axe from her. She gave a small nod, "I'm going to go make some tea." He watched her disappear into the small house before he began to cut the wood.

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