Chapter 12

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Dracin poked his head into Alinia's tent. He saw many books open, notes written, and what remained of potions. Feylun then poked his head in, "It looks like a spell shop blew up in here," he whispered to Dracin. Alinia's head was on the desk and she slept on some papers she had written on. They noticed Limion was awake, barely. Dracin and Feylun made their way quietly over to him. "How are you holding up?" Feylun asked him.

"Better than I thought I would be. She hasn't found a cure, but she managed to find something that got rid of the pain. Unfortunately it makes me numb to the point I can't feel anything past my neck," he whispered, his voice hoarse. Feylun nodded, and his eyes went over to Alinia, "It will kill her if she loses you." It would be like Meylun all over again, except this time, no one will have the power to stop her if she gets to that point.

Limion nodded, "I know." He hated the idea of leaving her. That's why he had to survive. He had many mistakes to still make up for, it cant end at the beginning.

Alinia woke up with and bolted up right, her back not agreeing with her for sleeping the way she did. She looked over to Limion and saw he was asleep. She ran a hand through her hair and went back to looking at the book in front of her. It was a book about the various demons in Limion's, now her, legion. The book was ancient and many thought them to be myths since very few know about the various demon races. One race had caught her attention, Lazos, a demon who had magical blood. In the myth it is said that its blood mixed in a healing potion could cure anything, but there was no concrete proof of it happening.

She left the tent and went to find Quila, who was never far since Astara attacked. Quila looked over Alinia. She was pale, her hair a mess, and dark circles under her eyes. "Can you tell me about this demon?" Alinia asked while handing her the book. Quila looked at the page, "The Lazos are a nasty lot. Usually demons we put on the front line to take out the majority of an attacking army right off the bat. Why?" "Is it true what it says about their blood?" She asked Quila. "I dont know. No one has been insane enough to try it." Quila told her. Quila's eyes then widened, "Your highness, I cant let you go there." "I'm not going, I want you and the others to go." Alinia said. "You'll take the potion I had prepared last night with you. Usually when potions use blood, the blood has to be mixed in immediately."

It was a fool's errand, but Quila didnt have the power or authority to tell the desperate queen no. "If it becomes too dangerous, you all come back here even if you dont have the blood." Alinia told her. Quila nodded, "Yes ma'am." Alinia nodded, "While I get the potion you inform the others."

Quila walked a little ways down the tents and turned to go down a path when she saw the others, ready to do what their Queen asked. When Alinia came back she had the potion in a black container with runes carved into it. "The container will keep the potion from aging and going bad before your return." Alinia explained as she passed it to Quila who tucked into her bag. "We will be back soon, I promise." Quila said. Alinia opened a portal for them and they stepped through.

Lathom looked around at the red grass field they knew well. "Home sweet home." He muttered. "Let's get this over." Quila said as she began to walk, the others following her.

They got to the gathered demonic army and saw many of the demons lounging about in their usual way. Caspian, Quila's occasional lover, appeared before them. His pointed, leathery, tail swished side to side, not happy with Lathom being too close to Quila. He kept his gaze on Quila, his yellow eyes shining like fire in the red sun. "Mind explaining why we all felt a shift in power?" He asked her.

"Limion is no longer King. He swore an oath to his mate, Queen Alinia." Quila explained to him. "Queen?" Caspian asked while crossing his strong arms. "There hasn't been a queen in eons." Quila nodded, "We know. Where are the Lazos demons hiding?"

"Over by the lake. Why?" Caspain asked her. "Limion was poisoned and Queen Alinia is hoping the legend about their blood is true." She then began to walk towards the black water lake. Caspian following after her quickly, "Wait what? Someone poison the King?" "Its just Limion, and yes. That crazy bitch Astara did." Quila said.

On top of a hill they looked down and saw several Lazos demons sleeping while a young Lazos demon was playing with a red hare. The hare tried to stab the demon with his horns but it was useless since the demon's skin was too tough.

"If we wake the adults, its over for us." Lathom said. Quila nodded, "That's why we're sending you in." Quila handed him the potion and he held it tightly as he became nothing but a shadow and slithered towards the distracted Lazos. The Lazos stopped playing with the red hare and began looking around. Lathom froze, not wanting to give himself away. It turned its attention to everyone at the top of the hill. "Aw shit." Caspian whispered.

The Lazos began to howl, waking the adults. "We need to get airborn." Caspian said, his leathery wings appearing. Quila grabbed Myra and Sonna grabbed Lyra before they leaped into the air. The Lazos charged full speed towards them. Sonna and Quila hung lower than they wanted due to Myra and Lyra dragging them down.

Things had gone south very quickly for them. "Now what do you think we should do?" Caspian asked Quila. "They'll just follow us back to the camp and I have to be careful if I open a portal, dont need them accidentally getting through and killing the human soldiers."

Suddenly a portal opened below them and Alinia stepped through. The Lazos demons turned their attention to her and began to charge. Lathom shot towards her but before he could get to her, she froze the demons mid stride. "Who is that?" Caspian asked, taking in the woman. "Our Queen." Quila said before landing.

"Your highness, why have you come?" Quila asked her. "I felt your distress and thought I should come help. After all it is my mate you're trying to help." Alinia pulled a dagger out of her boot, "The potion please." Lathom appeared and handed it to her. She walked over to the largest Lazos. "I'm terribly sorry about this, but if I didnt need to I wouldn't. I promise to heal you once I'm done." Caspian stood back in shock at how polite and thoughtful their queen was. She took the dagger and pricked it paw and let a few drops of blood fall into the green potion. She closed the lid then healed the wound.

She then unfrozen them and they all sat their looking at her, scared to approach her. She offered them a smile, "Thank you." She then turned to the others, "I pray this works." They all did.

Limion watched her mix the potion in her hands then brought it to his lips. It tasted horrible, but for her, he would drink it. When he finished it he laid back down, no longer feeling breathless like he had earlier this morning. He watched as a smile slowly came to her lips, "You're not pale anymore." Had she really found a cure? She kissed his forehead, "We still have to wait and see if it worked, so for now, get some rest." He watched as she went over to her desk and sat down before letting his eyes drift closed again.

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