Fourteenth Glimmer: Mystery

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Fourteenth Glimmer: Mystery


She glanced at her side. He had his eyes closed, savoring every moment spent with her. He had found her once again.

She smiled.

She fell in love twice... with the same man.

Once upon a dream...

... and when that dream came true.

I tore the paper from my notebook, crumpled it, and threw it to the nearest bin.

I glanced at the guy beside me. He had that usual smirk on his face. Arrogance was always with the air that embrace him. And he carried himself with unrivaled grace.

Icicles sprouted in every corner he occupied. But I felt warm by his side.

I re-read what I wrote. I rested my chin on my palm and played with my pen. And then I started scribbling again.

Charming was he, they said. I had always thought otherwise.

Burning they said was he. I knew he carried a wind of ice.

I could not seem to find his niche. Or wherever else he went.

But when I needed him most, he would always be heaven sent.

I smiled and continued scribbling on my notebook.

He would always be a puzzle—a dazzling mystery.

Should my heart start beating his name, would he ever stay with me?

"Since when did you start writing with first person's point of view?" Alpas suddenly asked, glancing over my shoulder. I almost yelped and dropped my pen.

"This is called poetry," I snapped.

"Oh, poetry. For whom?"

"No one!" I replied, hurriedly slamming my notebook shut.

He smirked. "No one? I refused to believe that. You won't be able to write a poem like that without thinking about someone."

"Then don't believe it."

He just shrugged and smirked again before going back to reading his comics.

I sighed. What was I doing? I should be proof-reading my novel, but I did not think it felt right. There was something bothering me.

I was used to writing a story created both my imagination and my dreams. I wrote books and was satisfied with them.

But this one...

I wanted to re-write the whole book.

It really did not feel right. There was something in this novel.

But should I re-write it? It was like I was re-writing the stars.

I sighed. "I dunno anymore," I muttered, standing up.

"Where are you going?" Alpas called.


"Fine. Just don't go setting things on fire."

I glared at him. He smiled sheepishly and went back to reading comics.

I went out of the house. It was windy and chilly outside. I wrapped myself with my arms as I was wearing rather thin piece of clothing.

I headed over to the playground and sat on the swings. There were people in the park, laughing and playing. There was a couple sitting on the bench, eating cotton candy. Another couple was sitting on the next bench, arguing about something.

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