First Glimmer: Magic

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First Glimmer: Magic

She watched the waves dance together with the wind. The air was but a remnant of autumn's chilly embrace. She inhaled and closed her eyes.

She had been waiting—waiting in this vast place where nobody could see her.
... maybe except for her own shadow.

She had been waiting for someone she never even knew except that he had been consistently visiting her dreams.

And in one of her dreams, she saw herself waiting in this exact location.

However, she had been waiting for over an hour and nobody showed up. Even the wind did not show any sign of staying.

She sighed. Was she a fool to rely on dreams?

But it had been so real. It had seemed real, and she firmly believed that the dream was telling her something.

She would have decided to wait for another hour if not for the raging torrents of water falling from the sky.

She did not bring an umbrella or anything that could offer her a shelter from the raging force of nature.

She had to leave and return home.

With a heavy heart, she walked away... not caring if it rained on her.


My eyes flew open upon the sound of someone calling my name. I should not have stayed up late, but I was trying to finish my novel. I was drowning amid the pages of my story, and I was—

"Ms. de Luna?"

I jerked my head up and saw my Literature professor glaring at me. I immediately stood up.


"Have you finished your book report?" Ms. Balagtas asked.

I racked my brains, trying to remember what book report she was talking about. I nodded.

"Then tell us about it. How did you find the story?" she asked.

I wrinkled my nose. "I found it intriguing."

She raised her eyebrows. I could hear my classmates murmuring from behind me.

"You like tragic stories?" Ms. Balagtas asked.

Tragic? Was the story tragic? I racked my brains again. I could not see anything tragic about the story. The heroine killed herself after stabbing the hero to uphold her duty. What was tragic about it?

I cleared my throat. "I don't find it tragic, Ma'am," I replied. "In fact, I am very satisfied with the ending."


I shrugged. "She stabbed him out of duty, but her heart belonged to him. She found it hard to continue living in the world without him. She decided that since they could not be together in this world, maybe they could be together in another world," I said, "hence, she killed herself to join him."

"And is that supposed to be a satisfactory ending?"

"A happy ending," I replied.

Ms. Balagtas looked thoughtful. "Well, we all have different perspective, and Ms. de Luna's is quite diverse."

I heard my classmates murmuring again, but I ignored them. Ms. Balagtas told me to take my seat, and I did so. She started talking about different parts of the novels. I listened until I got lost in my own thoughts again.

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