Fourth Glimmer: Miles

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Fourth Glimmer: Miles


"Where are we going?"

"Just follow me."

"And if we die?"

"We're not dying," he said, smirking at me. "You're funny."

"I'm not trying to be funny. There's nothing funny about dying in the woods or something."

If it were not for my final grade, I'd immediately back off from our deal and leave him in this place.

"Why are we in the woods, anyway?"

"You ask too many questions."

"Because you're not answering any of them," I snapped.

He did not respond. He just walked. I followed him as he headed to the stony path.

"Where are we going?"

"To the place of her birth," he finally said.

"She was born in the woods?" I asked, surprised. "How young is she?"

He glanced at me. "Four years younger than me."

"Well, how young are you?"


"Oh, she's eighteen, then. We're of the same age."

He did not reply. He continued walking until he reached a river. He started removing his shoes and jacket.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Remove your clothes."


"Do it."

"Are you insane? No freaking way!" I snapped as I took a step back.

"Just remove your shoes and jacket."


He pointed to the river. "Because you will drown if you're wearing shoes and thick clothes."

"Drown? In the first place, why would go to the river?"

"You ask too many questions," he said again. "Just remove your shoes and jacket and follow me."

Before I could even react, he plunged into the river.

I gritted my teeth. Curiosity possessed me once again. I must have really gone insane because I removed my shoes and jacket, jumped to the river, and followed him.


My eyes were closed, and my mind was swimming off to somewhere beyond my imagination. I could not breathe properly, but I seemed to be breathing fine. Weird. Was I going insane? I wanted to move, but I could not. I could not even open my eyes.


I heard something. The voice seemed so near, but I could not feel any presence beside me.


I felt something warm on my cheek and blinked.

My eyes flew open, and I saw myself looking directly to his eyes. His face was just above me. I was so surprised, so I immediately sat up, causing our foreheads to bump.

"Ouch," I muttered.

"What's the idea of—"

"Well, who told you to lean that close?"

"I was just trying to wake you up."

"You could have done so without getting close to me."

"You complain too much."

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