Thirteenth Glimmer: Moon

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Thirteenth Glimmer: Moon
"For a guy born with cold dew on his skin, your warm mist is mesmerizing."

I tossed on my bed.

I had been doing that for the past hour, but I still could not sleep. I changed my position and embraced my pillow. I was still wide awake. And the tree branches outside the window did not help. It must have been my imagination, but I could hear them calling my name.

Alpas was sound asleep. I wanted to ask if he could hear those tree branches, too, but decided otherwise instead. I stared at the ceiling. My mind spinning like crazy. I really could not sleep.

Finally, I sighed and decided not to force myself to sleep. I glanced at the clock, and it was thirty minutes to midnight. I put on my coat and went out of the room. Maybe I could find something to do for a while.

I walked across the quiet hallways until I found my way out of the building. I followed an unfamiliar path that seemed to lead to the courtyard at the back. I roamed until I reached a garden with a pond and a bridge over it.

There was someone standing on the bridge. And I knew immediately that it was Deneb.

"You can't sleep, either?" he asked when he saw me approach.

I was about to answer when I saw what he was doing. He was making little tsunami from the water before turning it to ice.

I smirked, and the ice melted down.

He looked at me and raised his eyebrows. "Are you challenging me right now?"

I just smiled sweetly and shrugged. He made another ice again, and I turned it into ashes.

He smirked and snapped his fingers.

Tiny drop of water spiked from the pond and turned into icicles. I wrinkled my nose and grew petals on them.

He gave me an amused look. "Petals on icicles?"

"They look cute," I said, shrugging.

"They look strange."

"It's called Art."

"Art. Right."
"You don't like Arts?" I asked, surprised.

"I'm not artistic."

"Each of us is an artist," I said, smiling. "Just in many different ways."
He looked at me for a long time before replying, "If you say so."

"Why are you here in this convention if you don't like the Arts?"

He just shrugged.

I smiled again and pointed at the moon. "Do you see that?"


"The moon."

"What about it?"

"It's beautiful."

He shrugged. "A moon looks what a moon should look like."

I laughed. "It's beautiful. I like the way it is watching over me."

"Why do you want it to watch over you?"

"Because I won't feel alone, knowing that the moon is watching over me."

Silence reigned before he spoke again.
"You don't have to feel alone."

I looked at him. "Why?"

"Because I am always watching over you," he said in barely a whisper.

"Come again?"

"Nothing. I said you don't have to feel alone because there are plenty of stars watching over you."

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