Comfortaby Numb

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The child is grown

The dream is gone

I have become comfortably numb.


Lucy POV

I sat at home and bonded with my brothers all day. We caught up and talked about random shit. I missed them.

"Would you let Klaus kill us?" Damon asked.

I raised my eyebrows at the stupidity of his question. "No Damon I would not." I said.

Damon smirked and looked at Stefan. "I think we could interrogate you." Stefan said.

"No!" I said. They use to do this to me when we where human. It was 20 questions half of the time the questions where stupid and obvious but I could never lie because they always knew.

"Is Klaus planning against us?" Stefan asked.

I rolled my eyes. "No he's not and if he is I'm not aware of it." I said.

"Tell us sister did you and Klaus have sex yet?" Damon asked.

Just then the door opened revealing Nik. "Now mate my sec life is none of your matter." He said.

I smirked at his response. Damon and Stefan looked disgusted.

"You asked." I mumbled.

"Where is Elena?" Nik asked.

"Why do you need her?" Stefan asked.

"I'm leaving town; just need to pick up a few road trip necessities. Spare tire, flashlight, doppelgänger." He said smirking.

Was he really going to leave me here and not tell me. I knew he was leaving I just didn't know when.

"Did you check Bonnie's Elena took her home." I said.

"Yes I did." He said.

"Then we don't know where she is maybe she is at Caroline's" Damon said.

"I heard about there encounter with Ric he became a vampire." Nik said.

"We know." I said.

"What does that have to do with Elena?" Damon asked.

"Nothing. Love you want to come with on a drive?" Nik asked smirking.

I looked at my brothers. "Well this is the time where I stop sibling bonding time. Best of luck of finding the doppelgänger." I said leaving with Nik.

I got into the passenger side of his black SUV. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"To find the doppelgänger." He said.

I rolled my eyes. "Do you can take her along with you and not me?" I asked.

Nik sighed. "I was going to tell you love but you where gone when I woke up."

"Sorry I had to deal with something." I said.

"Like what? Going to see your back from the dead boyfriend?" He asked.

I rolled my eyes. "We had to talk."

"You kissed him again." Nik said.

"What? Do you have your hybrids stalking me?" I yelled.

"At least they are loyal!" He yelled back.

"Jeremy is confused. He still thought we were together! I went over there to tell him what has happened since he had died! I then told him that I killed him!" I yelled. "You can guess we are not on speaking terms." I said.

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