Love Me Two Times

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Love me one time

I could not speak

Love me one time, baby

Yeah, my knees got weak

But love me two times, girl

Last me all through the week

Love me two times

I'm goin' away


Lucy POV

I walked into my house it was late at night and I found a dead original on my floor along with two other vampires one I recognized as Sage.

"Look who's home." I heard Stefan say.

"What happened?" I asked worried.

"Finn is dead." Stefan said.

"What about the rest of them?" I asked.

"Don't worry your Klaus and Rebekah are alive." Stefan said.

"I'm guessing you broke the spell and found out what happens." I said.

Stefan got up and stared at me. "You knew what would happen?" He asked.

"Yeah I tried to tell you but you wouldn't hear it so I gave up." I said.

"Lucy we could have died!" Stefan yelled.

"Maybe it would have taught you not to kill people!" I yelled.

"After all they did to us. They almost killed Elena, they turned Tyler into a hybrid, made me turn off my humanity and make me become a ripper. I'm still not better! Let's not forget Klaus allowed you I be killed by him father!" Stefan yelled.

"Everything is about Elena! What about everyone else? It's always Elena!" I yelled storming out of the house.


I went to Nik's house went inside barging in on Rebekah and Esther.

"Hello Lucy." Esther said to me.

Rebekah looked at me. "Nik is in his room." She said before turning back to her mom.

I went upstairs and opened Nik's door he was painting another picture.

"Hello love back so soon?" He asked.

The things Mac said to me ran threw my mind.

"Yeah I decided I should go. I wasn't completely honest with you about Max." I said to him.

"What didn't you tell me?" Nik said looking mad.

"In the 90's Max and I dated for along time." I said.

Nik raised his eyebrows. "So what happened when you saw him again?" Nik asked.

"I caught up with my old friends and Max and I left." I mumbled.

"What the hell Lucy?" Nik yelled.

"Calm down! He made me realize that you don't love me! You never did! If you loved me you wouldn't get mad because I saved my brother from Mikael! You wouldn't let me die! You wouldn't do any of the thing you made my family and I deal through!" I yelled.

"Lucy I love you! What don't you understand about that?" Nik asked.

"I don't know maybe because Max told me that wasn't love and what Max and I had before was love!" I yelled.

"What are you saying?" Nik asked.

"I kissed Max and I liked it!" I yelled.

Nik looked pissed we was going to blow any minute. "I'm going to kill him." He growled.

"No your not its not going to help your case." I said. "I think we need a break." I said crying.

"A break?" He asked.

"I need to leave Mystic Falls for awhile." I said.

"Why are you leaving me?" He asked.

"Get your shit together and call me. Maybe I will come back." I said leaving his house.

I got into my car and called Kol.

"Hello?" I heard Kol say.

"Hey." I said still crying.

"Lucy what is wrong?" Kol asked.

"I need to get out of here." I said.

"Okay I'm in Denver come to me I'll text you the address." Kol said.

"Thank Kol." I said hanging up.

Kol was always nice to me. I sometimes think I picked the wrong Mikaelson. I loved Nik but he loved himself to much. Kol might be like that but he was never liked that to me.



I lost her agin. The woman, the only woman I loved I lost again because of some hippie scum vampire. I will get my revenge. I only hope she will be okay because she seemed really mad. I heard her talk on the phone with Kol I only hope she goes to him.

My mother was back practically begging for forgiveness. She wasn't going to get any from me.


Lucy POV

I got to Denver and saw Kol talking to him was Damon and Elena.

"What the hell?" I asked walking toward them.

Kol smiled pulling me into a hug.

"What are you doing here?" Damon asked.

"Leaving Mystic Falls for awhile." I said.

"And you come to another original?" He asked.

"Yeah Kol is my friend." I said to Damon.

"Stop arguing." Kol said.

"Here to see what blood line we come from." He said.

"Why would you ask that question. You killed my brother." Kol said.

"Curiosity." Damon said.

"Well I'm guessing Niklaus'." Kol said. "I wouldn't know you would have to track the vampire that turned Rose down." Kol said.

"Thanks." Damon said. "Come on Lucy you are coming home with us." Damon said.

"No I'm not in staying with Kol." I said.

Damon rolled his eyes. "Fine stay here." He said leaving.


I stayed with Kol for about a week in Denver before he convinced me to go home. He claimed he missed his siblings. Getting what Kil wants I agreed and went back to Mystic Falls.

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