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November 11th, 2012                       


It had become a routine now. I would wake up, eat, try to get Azaiah to let me explain, fail, sleep, and repeat.

"Morning" I said rubbing my eyes.

"Morning, how'd you sleep?" Erick asked coming out of the room.

"Fine, thanks again, for letting me stay this long."

"Yeah man, no problem."

"Where's Zabdiel and Richard?" I asked since it was already 12:30 and I hadn't seen them yet.

"They both took an early vacation back home for
Thanksgiving." He replied as he looked through the mail.

I was about to say something else but was interrupted by the ringing of my phone. Emilia.

"Hey Joel, any luck yet?" She asked through the phone.

I sighed before replying. "Nope, not at all. In fact, I'm pretty sure she thinks I'm annoying now too."

"Damn, do you want me to come over and try to get her to listen?"

"No, I caused this mess, I need to fix it, on my own."

I grabbed the box and and went over to Azaiah's apartment. I knocked the same way I had been doing for the past six days.

"Azaiah? Please just let me talk to you once, that's all I'm asking for. I can even do it through the door but I just need to make sure your listening. Please." I said as tears threatened to spill from my eyes.
"If you ever really loved me, then you would listen." I said hoping to at least get a reply.

"Then I guess I never really loved you."


I was completely taken back by what she said. I didn't know how to respond or what to do.

"I'm sorry." I whispered through the door before leaving.

I made my way back to Erick's apartment as tears began to slide down my cheek.

"Ay, back already?" Erick asked when I walked through the door.

"Can I use your laptop?" I asked.

"Yeah yeah, but is everything okay? " He asked as he handed me the laptop, but I didn't repond. I looked for tickets back to California, the very next one available.

"There's a seat available for a flight leaving in one and a half hour; do you think I'd make it?"
I asked Erick.

"Yeah probably, since you don't have to go through any of the baggage security."

I nodded my head and proceeded to book the ticket. I called Emanuel to tell him to pick me up at 8 pm when my flight landed.

"Thanks for everything Erick." I said as he walked me out to my taxi.

Before we exited the building, I ran over to the same man in the red suit from the day I had arrived.

November 18thWhere stories live. Discover now