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November 18th, 2008                      

"Sorry about that, he'll never grow up." I say shaking my head.

"It's all good. My brothers are quite similar." He said chuckling.

"How many broth-wait is the guy from the diner your brother?" I asked forgetting there was someone with him before.

"Yeah, that was my oldest brother, Emanuel. I have two younger brothers too. Israel and Gabriel." He said showing me a picture.

"Awhh, how cute." I said pinching his cheeks.

"Yeah yeah I know I am." Joel smirked.

"Not you, Emanuel. He's hot. Is he single?" I asked just to tease him.

"You know what, enough of them. Let's go" He said walking towards the suitcases. "And no, no he isn't single."

"Chill, I was kidding." I said putting my hands up in defense.

"Mmhm" was all I heard before he walked out the room with my two suitcases. I grabbed my hand carry that was left and followed him out. We walk out to see Chris and Emilia in the kitchen snacking on some cookies, as always.

"Done making out?" Chris asked trying not to laugh.

"Not exactly but it'll do. At least for right now it will." Joel replied making me go red for the tenth time today.

"Oh geez, just please use protection, I'm not trying to be a babysitter yet." Emilia said earning a glare from me.

"Okay, you know what, we're just gonna go now." I said avoiding anything else the two new might say.

"Wait" Joel said getting my attention "I didn't bring my car, we came in an Uber."


"Well, looks like we'll just have to drop you. To bad so sad." Chris exclaimed taking his keys from the rack.

"Not so fast" I said stopping Chris. "We can take my car and he'll bring it back."

"You just hate us thats it isn't it." Chris said fake sniffling.

"And your just a drama queen." I said chuckling.

I went over to Emilia and Chris to engulf them in one last hug as they stood by the door to wave Joel and I off. We got in the car after fitting in all the luggage and made out way out of the drive way on our way to the airport.

"I already miss them" I said sighing.

"I'm can still see them in the mirror." Joel said making me laugh.

Joel continued to drive keeping his eyes on the road as I kept my eyes on him with only the slight tunes coming from the radio.

"You okay there?" Joel finally said breaking the silence.

"Better than I've ever been." I replied smiling at the truth. "Thank you."

"What? For what?" Joel asked confused as he glimpsed at me.

"For everything. From helping me with my dad to making me feel things I thought I'd never feel and just accepting me." I said letting out everything the was on my mind.

"There was no accepting shit going on, your just like any other girl. Nobody should have to accept you. But I'm glad I was able to help you." Joel said giving giving me a quick smile. "So what exactly are we?" Joel asked.

" I was just about to asked the same thing."

"Well, as much as I do kinda like you, we did just meet. So in that case, I have a proposal. I say we both carry on our usual lives but just try not to get into any super serious relationships."

"I like that, we go out with other people like the usual but not too serious. Deal." I said smiling. "I actually have another proposal to add. Every year on today's date, we meet at the diner we met at. 10am sharp. No exceptions for either of us."

"I like that, but won't you be in New York?" He asked

"Like I said, no exceptions. We both meet in that diner. "

"Promise?" He asked putting out his pinky for me to take.

"Promise." I said as I wrapped my pinky around his.

We eventually got to the airport just on time. Joel helped me with my bags to get them checked in. Once I had gotten through security, I sat with Joel in the waiting area. I rested my head against his shoulder as I played with the rings on his fingers.

"You good?" Joel asked after a while. "You've been pretty quiet and seem nervous. Airplanes really aren't that bad, just take a nap or-"

"I'm not nervous about the flight Joel. I'm still worried about if I should even be doing this. I'm going to be completely alone in the busiest city." I confessed.

"Hey, don't you remember what Chris and Emilia said? They will always be with you, maybe not physically but they are, ND same goes for me. Don't ever think your alone. Okay? You deserve the best Azaiah. I mean it" he said as he held my face in his hands forcing me to make eye contact.

I faintly smiled before I heard the announcer.

"Call for flight 137B to New York will now be boarding. Flight 137B now boarding."

"That's you babe." Joel said as he stood up.


Sighing, I got up grabbing my things.

"So i guess this is it." Joel said nervously with his hands in his pockets.

"I guess so. Looks like i'll see you on-"

"November 18th, 2009" he said cutting me off.

"See you then 'girlfriend'"

"See you then 'babe'" I said winking at Joel before I got in line to board. I looked back at Joel once I was about to approach the air hostess and gave him a small wave. I hand the lady my boarding pass and just as I do so, I hear my name being called.

"Azaiah!" I whip my head around to see Joel jogging towards me.
"Please don't do this to me." Joel said in a dramatic tone. I now understood what he was doing.
He leaned into my ear whispering "You didn't think I'd let you go without a dramatic movie scene did you?" I decided to play along for the hell of it.

"Oh my love, I must go." I said raising my hand up to my forehead. "Destiny calls." I said mimicking his dramatic tone.

"Just promise me you won't forget me." He said holding onto my hands.

"I could never." I smiled as he leaned into a kiss that I gratefully accepted.

Man am I gonna miss him.

"Now if you don't mind, I have a flight to catch." I reminded him.

"And some dreams. Go get em' Azi." Joel said before nudging me back to the boarding area.

"Goodbye my love. I'll see you in exactly 365 days." I yelled as I waved to Joel one last time.

Here I go.


November 18thWhere stories live. Discover now