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November 4th, 2012                        

"Finally" I say as I throw myself on Joel's bed.

We had just got to his empty house after a long drive. It was now 11:00 pm.

I had my eyes closed when I felt the bed sink down next to me. I could feel Joel's hand crease my scars making me smile. I slowly opened my eyes to see Joel laying next to me smiling sweetly.

"What?" I asked chuckling.

"You're beautiful, you know that?" He asked still creasing my scars.

"Only from your constant reminders of that" I said grabbing ahold of his hand.

"I just want you to know that."

We stayed silent for a minute before Joel closed the small gap between us pecking my lips for a second. He did the same again, but this time I wrapped a hand around his neck, keeping us like that. Our lips moved in sync, Joel's hands traveled to the zip of my dress, exciting my nerves. We broke the kiss for less than a second to catch our breath before reconnecting our lips. Joel took ahold of my hips before turning so he was on top of me rather than next to me. I moved my hands from his neck to them hem of his shirt, tugging. He understood what I was doing and broke thr kiss for a second, swiftly taking his shirt off, fully displaying his well maintained  muscles. Rather than reconnecting our lips, he connected his lips to my neck. He continued to travel down my neck until he reached the dip of my dress. He pulled the dress over my head, tossing it somewhere to the other side of the room. He looked into my eyes, asking for permission, his eyes doing all the talking. I nodded my head surely, knowing I couldn't trust anyone more than I trusted Joel. He connected our lips again for moment. My hands made their way to the buckle of his belt where I quickly undid them so we were both in only in our undergarments, Joel on top.

*skipped the sex scene because I can't write smut; if anyone would like to write it, message me (you will be credited). *

I had me head laid on top of Joel's chest, our heavy breaths being the only sound in the room. I felt myself smiling widely, knowing I never wanted this to end. 

"Azaiah?" I heard Joel say as his chest rose with each breath.

"Yeah?" I asked, looking slightly up to face him.

"I love you." He said still looking up, avoiding eye contact.

I remained quiet for a moment, smiling to myself.

"I love you." I said  before turning around, only to be taken into a deep sleep.

I blinked a few times, before completely opening my eyes. I looked around the room, remembering the date I had with Joel last night and the events that occurred after our date. I smiled at myself turning around in the bed to see Joel fast asleep. I check the time to see it was only 5:02 am. Not wanting to wake Joel up,
I quietly sit up, scanning the room for my clothes,  only to remember I had worn a dress last night. Successfully spotting my underwear, I walk over, sliding it back on. Knowing I wouldn't be comfortable in a dress, I decided to make my way over to Joel closet. I opened the door to his closet quietly, making sure Joel didn't wake up. I saw a shelf full of t-shirts and decided to help myself to one. I quietly slipped a long white NSYNC
t-shirt out of the shelf only to notice a couple  torn papers that fell out with the shirt.

I looked back to see if Joel was still asleep, as I picked the papers up. Before placing them back in his shelf, I noticed the top of the paper was labeled:

"Chapter 8: Stupid Mistakes"

Rather than putting the papers back, I curiously held onto them, wanting to finally read one of his works, hoping Joel wouldn't find out. I slipped the t-shirt on before making my way to the living room, allowing Joel to continue his peaceful sleep. Before I closed the door, I turned back to Joel, even though I knew he wouldn't hear me, I whispered
"I love you."


Authors Note: Next chapter will be the chapter Azaiah found in Joel's shelf. BUT, the chapter will be told as if it is happening at the moment.
Authors Note II: Once again, keep in mind the dates at the top of the chapter.


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