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Perhaps, Chaeyoung thought, when Jungkook pulled up merely a smile instead of saying anything or producing any sound at all, perhaps, she was just overthinking that it would mean something else.

"Promise me you'll see me in the airport," she had told him again while snuggling close to his warmth under the sheet, naked bodies pressing against one another.

Chaeyoung hadn't been able to put aside the overwhelming feeling of facing the day that she would be leaving the place she grew up in and the people she grew up with physically and mentally.

She had longed for Jungkook just as much as he had longed for her. Maybe more, if it could be measured. But she realized that she was wrong to think that after finally experiencing it her longing and desire would tone down.

It made it even harder for her to step away from him and because of that, the last person she wanted to spend her time with even for only a brief contact would be Jungkook before departing to a new place where she was supposedly going to experience a brand new series of her life, no longer a mere new chapter.

When she asked him to promise, she expected a soft hum. Perhaps, she thought, he didn't catch it. And Chaeyoung repeated softly, almost like a plea as she looked up at him. Jungkook's response came off as a little strange to her and she couldn't tone down the sudden worry bubbling inside of her.

He had smiled a small smile, small and brief as he stroked her hair very softly and despite the many things that rushed to her mind, she tried to stay positive. Maybe he was exhausted. She was as well. Their first time was definitely an exhausting yet exhilarating and she wouldn't trade it for a different kind of feeling.

Positivity didn't last that long, though. It would, if only he wasn't acting so strange. Multiple calls from her went unanswered and delivered texts not replied, everything was upsetting and it was even more unsettling when the last time she saw him, talked to him, it was on that day they first tasted the new side of love.

A week passed and Chaeyoung wondered what had gone wrong. Did she do something wrong? Did she say something to upset him? It was very unlike of him to act this way and Chaeyoung lost to the battle of not feeling utterly upset, lost to the battle of not going to overthink, lost to the battle of not shedding a tear.

With her lower lip crushed in between her teeth, she only won the battle of not making a sound as she let her silent tears out rolling down her cheeks as she stared at all her messages that were sent to him. No matter how deep she pushed herself into, no matter how hard she forced her brain to think, she couldn't come up with a reason of his sudden change.

"Hey, kid."

Chaeyoung turned around to see her brother approaching her on an afternoon, a couple of days before she would leave. She simply lifted her brows, unable to form a simple 'Yeah' for him.

Jimin stared at her long, placed a hand on top of her head and ruffled her hair, his smile was small and he chuckled briefly at her. Chaeyoung furrowed her brows at him, questioning him silently as she continued to stare at him.

Jimin held his breath for a few seconds, releasing it heavily before he leaned his hip against the kitchen counter, arms crossing over his chest.

"Who's going to argue with me when you leave later, Chaeng?" he asked, smiling at nowhere and Chaeyoung's heart began to shrink in pain.

She pouted, curled her lips inward then because she'd had enough of crying. "I'm sure you'll pick a fight even on the phone. We'll still argue," she said in a calmer tone, although her voice was about to betray her.

"Wouldn't be the same. I won't be able to do this." He ruffled her hair roughly, to which she whined like a child and Jimin only laughed at her but his hand still messing with her hair, stopped only when she almost yelled.

Her pout didn't last long, though. Her chuckle slowly made through when her brother grinned but even her chuckle stopped before it could turn into a huge laughter like how it would always be. Jimin seemed to notice that and probably, other things too.

"You okay?" he asked.

She offered him a small smile that she hoped would satisfy her brother as she answered, "Fine, I guess. I'll just have to get used to a new place."

"No, I mean..." he trailed off, seeming as though he was thinking of a good way to say what he wanted to say to her. "You need to stop crying for him, you know."

As much as she wanted to respond to that, all she could muster was a soft sigh as her mind reeled back to the last time she saw him.

"I'm glad that he ended whatever you guys had for each other. It's for the best. For the both of you."

Chaeyoung's heart started to clench as she shook her head. "He and I, we're not over yet."

Jimin sighed out loud, then and she didn't need to look up to know that he was sending her glares. "Then what the hell are those?" She noticed his fingers pointing at her eyes. They were slightly puffy. "And why the hell I haven't seen the two of you hanging out during these final days of you being here before moving away?"

Tired, Chaeyoung shrugged and looked away, shifting her foot in an attempt to get away from Jimin before he could question more because nothing would stop him if he started.

To her surprise, Jimin didn't follow her nor did he fire her questions. It would feel good for any other days or situations, but during this moment, surprisingly it felt weird that she wished that her brother would ask her more. All the changes from her surrounding were just making everything feel weird, further reminding her of the day that would come by soon.


"Are you sure about this?"

Jungkook said nothing, eyes glued to the floor for long moments before he turned to look at his phone, ringing for the nth time of the day. His hand was itchy to grab the device. He wanted to answer her call but he knew he shouldn't.

"This whole thing is a fucking mess. She won't forgive you for doing this."

His fists clenched as he watched the device went on a mute after a while, her message came in right after.

      - Jungkook, where are you?

"It's for the best..." Jungkook muttered sadly, finally responding to his brother who'd been standing in front of him the whole time. It was one of the rare moments when Junghyun was acting like a big brother, giving his two cents on the situation and advices as well as a reasonable kind of nag.

"Can't you at least talk to her about it?"

He shut his eyes and exhaled sharply through his nose. "I can't. You fucking know that."

Junghyun groaned out loud, muttering soft curses as he left the room and Jungkook let his body collapse to the mattress. He took the device and stared at her sweet smile on his screen, another hand of his placed on his chest before he fiddled with the necklace with the ring that had her name on it. A message came in and Jungkook's heart clenched painfully as he read it.

      - We're not breaking up, are we?

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