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Jungkook whistled from the front porch of his house when he saw his girlfriend had just come back from grocery shopping. Chaeyoung turned to look at him and sent him a smile as he approached her. He eyed her house, trying to see if Jimin was anywhere around being a spy inside the house or inside the bush to avoid getting caught if he was to plant a kiss on his girlfriend.

Chaeyoung was quicker, though, as she slightly leaned toward him and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"Why didn't you tell me you were going grocery shopping?" he asked.

Chaeyoung pouted a bit and let a frown hang on her face. "I do this every week, Jungkook."

He chuckled and bent down a little to take all the plastic bags from her hands. "I know. But you don't buy this much every single week. If I knew that you'd be buying the whole store, I'd give you a ride."

Chaeyoung laughed and pushed his shoulder playfully once both her hands were free. "What ride are you talking about? Junghyun's car isn't even here."

"Are you underestimating me?" he scoffed. "You can ride on me while I lift all these items with one hand," he laughed before he realized that he said the wrong thing when she looked a bit embarrassed, ducking down her head with a soft shy smile. "I mean, ride on my back. You can ride on my back. Piggyback ride. I meant that."

Her eyes flitted up and locked with his before she chuckled and Jungkook felt his throat tightening as his mind gave him a wild imagination as a cause of his own words. Without words, Chaeyoung went to behind him and jumped to his back, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck. He could feel her lips grazing the nape of his neck and her warm breath caressing his skin softly.

"Hey..." he said gently. "What if Jimin sees this?"

"He's not home," she murmured next to his ear, tightening her legs around his waist. He felt one of her heels gently pressed close to his crotch, sending tingles to his body.

"Really?" his low voice asked, slightly turning his head.

"Mm-hm," she responded. "Quick. Prove to me that I shouldn't underestimate your strength," she chuckled, her breath tickling him.

With a smirk, Jungkook fisted the plastic bag in his hand and held one of her legs before he began to run forward and his smile broadened when she began to laugh cheerily behind him, her sweet laughter was so melodic and got even louder when he almost tripped but managed to find his balance when he was nearing the front of her house.

Chaeyoung jumped off his back and walked in front of him, unlocking the door and while she was doing that, Jungkook took the time to sniff her head and made exaggerating sounds showing how satisfied he was with the sweet scent emanating from her hair.

"What are you doing?" she giggled as he planted kisses on the back of her head multiple times before she pushed the door open and they both got inside.

Jungkook shook his head when Chaeyoung wanted to take the plastic bags from his hand and he just walked past her, heading toward the kitchen with her following from behind.

After he'd finish helping her stuffing the items she'd just bought into the cabinets and refrigerator, Jungkook felt himself smirk as he whipped his head around just to double check if there was any pair of eyes watching them in the kitchen. After he made a whole 360 degree inspection, Jungkook slowly approached Chaeyoung who was busying herself washing some fruits and carefully wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing his face into her shoulder. He didn't need to look to know that she was smiling despite the quietness.

He made the sniffing sound again, teasing her while at the same time, appreciating the sweet scent of the new body wash she used, he noticed. Jungkook pressed his nose on her neck, humming approvingly before he was blowing raspberries against the skin of her neck, causing her to squirm in his hold with laughter.

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