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Chaeyoung watched her best friend, Lisa inspecting every side of her room sadly after she announced to all three girls when she would be leaving after her parents gave all the information to her.

"I can't believe you're really leaving. We promised to further our studies together, here," Lisa said after months of being silent about it. Lisa pouted and wrapped her long arms around Chaeyoung and hugged her tightly. "Who's going to fool around with me later?"

Chaeyoung put on her best effort to not shed a tear and it was difficult. "Stop it," she chuckled. "You fool around with Hoseok as much as you always do with me."

Lisa pouted and gave her a disapproving look. "How can you assume it's the same? With him, it's a different kind of fooling around," she said cheekily and Chaeyoung let out a gasp, pushing her friend with a dramatic face expression.


Lisa laughed heartily but didn't stop just yet as she kept reminding Chaeyoung how between the two of them it was merely innocent while with Hoseok, it would be the total opposite and it would be more fun and exciting.

"Stop!" she laughed loudly and covered her ears with her hands.

Once the two of them calmed down, Jisoo asked, "So have you told Jungkook?"

"About to tell him now," she said, fumbling with her phone. She stared at the picture of her and Jungkook on the screen and felt such heaviness, probably a similar kind when she was about to tell her friends about her departure date. She wanted to wait for him to come home from visiting his family on his father's side but then she wasn't sure if he deserved to wait just to know that one thing.

She sent him a message, afraid that calling him would disturb whatever activity he was doing with his family members and she knew she wasn't supposed to expect him to reply straightaway, but then at every second that flew away and he still wasn't replying to her made her feel tightness in the pit of her stomach. The unpleasant feeling was ridiculous yet it was overwhelming.

It was almost 12 a.m. that she finally got a respond from him and it was a phone call.

"Hey..." he began and she could make out how exhausted he sounded.

"Are you okay?" she asked with concern.

"I'm fine," he replied and her heart calmed a bit when she heard that because it seemed as though he was smiling as he responded to her concern.

"Did you get my message?" she asked softly, fingers playing with the end of her hair.

He hummed. "Yeah, I did."

She expected more than that but it was understandable since he seemed to be tired and she thought that it was sweet enough that he even thought to give her a call. "When are you coming back?"

"Probably tomorrow. Miss me already?" she heard him chuckled.

"Haven't seen you for almost two weeks," she pouted as she rolled on her tummy and she thought of how it would be to not being able to see him for months. Two weeks without him already felt like her life was empty. She couldn't really imagine a longer period. With her eyes closed as she rested her chin onto her folded arm on the mattress, she whispered sadly into the phone, "I miss you so much."

When Jungkook was silent for long moments, she thought he'd fallen asleep but then a sad voice of his responded to her, "Two weeks and you're already missing me this much. How are you going to survive not seeing me for months or years?"

Her fingers curled around the bed sheet, lower lip trembling. She didn't have an answer to that, because she didn't think she could. She didn't think she could survive being away from her brother, her cousin, her best friends and her boyfriend. She'd always consider herself as independent, but when this situation came, she should reconsider labeling herself that.

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