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I began to pace the floor as it was late at night I was waiting for Sam. He was just as worried as I was. He really needed to talk to someone.

"Hey!" Sam looked like a mess.

"Sam, what's up? Are you alright?" I asked.

"No, I just need to vent." He commented.

"Let's go down to the lobby and we can talk in private." I reassured. I was sharing a room with Marley, and she was in the room rehearsing with Kitty.

We walked down to the lobby of the nice hotel and sat down.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Mr. Schuester was talking to me the other day before we left, and he says I filled in as the new Finn." He commented. "I just don't think I could ever replace him."

"Sam, as a club, especially this year, Artie, Tina, and I were talking about how much you remind everyone of a 'mini Finn.'" I began. "You stepping up is what everyone was expecting. Don't get me wrong, we all love Blaine, but the real reason we all are where we are at is because of Finn's leadership." I started.

"I just don't think I could replace Finn and be the new Finn." He sniffled.

"No one could replace Finn, and we aren't asking you to become the new Finn. We all want you to go into his footsteps and step up as leader." I reassured him. "We want you to lead us, just like Finn did."

"It's hard, because I just wish he could have seen us perform at Nationals. Especially since he had a rough year. With getting a dishonorable discharge from the Army, Rachel dumping him, the whole wedding thing, getting practically taken out of the glee picture because of the wedding incident, him not being able to be a teacher, and him not being able to lead us as a club to be National Champs again." Sam reminded.

"Okay, first of all, the army thing isn't for everyone. Second of all, Rachel may not have fully been over him, and I'm sure in the end, they would have gotten back together. Mr. Schuester and him made up for the wedding incident. The wedding did happen eventually. Finally, he will be with us in spirit. We all know he will be here in hearts when we win." I explained.

"I just miss him." Sam looked at the floor.

"Same, but we all know he is rooting us on to win though." I included.

After a long night, I walked back into my hotel room. Kitty had just left. Marley was sitting on the bed, looking sad.

"You okay?" I asked as I got into my bed.

"Not really sure about how I am feeling." She sniffled.

"Why are you sad now?"

"It's just... I think this will be my last glee performance." She commented.

"No, it won't. You still have two more years of fun. I should be sad. It's my last competition."

"It's not that. I mean—its just... I am going to give up music."

"What why?" I questioned. "You are so so so talented!"

"It's just... I've entered so many song writing contests and I have never won one. I am just questioning whether I actually am talented enough k make it in the business." She sighed.

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