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Nationals... I was nervous but excited. This year they were at L.A. which was going to be amazing! Unfortunately, I have a solo, which is making me nervous considering I haven't had a solo in forever. I felt so not ready. Mr. Schuester wanted me to perform one of my original songs that I have written.

It was 6:45. I was finishing getting ready for my date, and I wanted to finish some of my packing since we leave tomorrow morning for LA. I knew I was going to be up late as it is. I can sleep on the flight there anyways.

I wore a pair of jeans and a decent top. Considering we have been dating each other for a while now, I figured dressing up was not always a must. He also said to not dress over the top. He said to dress comfortably. I was okay with that.

I heard the doorbell ring.

"Elle! Sebastian's here!" My dad yelled.

"Be down in a sec!" Folding a clean shirt into my suitcase while I shouted my response. I quickly tied my sneakers, and grabbed my purse. I hurried downstairs.

"Hi!" I grinned as I kissed Sebastian on the cheek. For a change, he was wearing jeans with a white tee shirt. Usually, he would be in his Warbler uniform.

"Where are you two off to?" My dad asked.

"We are going bowling." Sebastian replies.

"Sounds fun! Be back by 11 at the latest." My dad waved as he went back into the living room.

"Have fun!" Charlotte yelled from the living room.

I just chuckled. We both looked at each other and headed out. I got into his car.

"So you aren't in your Warbler uniform?" I chuckled.

"What's so funny? I can be causal." He laughed.

"I know, but it's unusual to see you out of your blazer." I pointed out.

"You bring up a good point." He chuckled. "Oh, I thought I should tell you. Dalton is having a Seniors Graduation Cotillion, and I was wondering if you could be my date." He asked.

"I'd love to." I grinned.

"Alright, it is next Saturday from 8-11, but I will pick you up for dinner at 6:30." He tells me as I write it down in my calendar.

"Great!" I smirked.

When we got to the bowling alley, we got in line to rent our shoes and lane.

"I'd just like to point out... I am horrible at bowling." I commented.

"You will do fine." He wrapped his arm around me. "Hi! We would love to get your three game package deal along with arcade tokens." He asked the lady. He began to pay.

After he paid, the lady said, "What size shoes?"

"Uh, 8." I commented.

"12." Sebastian comments. The lady handed us our shoes and lane number. We walked through the alley looking for our lane.

"22." I pointed at our lane. We both walked over the booth chair, and out our shoes on. We, then, set up the game with the control panel. I grabbed a bowling ball that I could lift.

"You go first." Sebastian stayed. I walked up and tried to hold the ball enough to at least give it a little toss onto the runway. It went rather slowly. Then, it gradually rolled over to the gutter. I hit 0 pins. I, then, did my second turn. It did the same thing.

"Well, that is unfortunate," I sighed. "Told you I want any good."

"It's just the first round." He reassured. He then went up and got a strike. It was my turn again. My first turn I did what I did the last round. As I went to retrieve my ball, Sebastian looked at me.

"Here let me help." Sebastian grinned. I grabbed my ball. He then walked up with me. He began to readjust my hands. "Now, use your arm and swing it towards the ground." He stated. I did as he instructed after he got out of the way. My ball went twice as fast and I actually got a strike.

"YIPEEE!!" I squealed. I jumped over and gave him a kiss as I leaned into his arms. "You, Mr. Smythe, are a genius." I smirked.

We walked to our seats as our pizza came.

"So are you ready for Nationals?" He asked.

"Sort of..." I trailed off.

"Why aren't you fully ready?" He asked.

"Because... I haven't had a solo at Nationals, and I feel like I will let the team down if we don't win." I sighed.

"Trust me... you got this." He bit into his pizza.

"I hope so." I shrugged.

"So What are you performing?" He asks.

"Mr. Schuester wants me to perform an original song." I commented as I took a bite of my pizza.

"Have you get anything?" He asks.

"Yes and no. I'm still trying to find a good ending to the song." I answered.

"You'll come up with it." He replied.

"Maybe." I commented.

After playing two more full games of bowling, we left our lanes and changed back into our normal shoes. We walked to the arcade with our tokens and began to play the games.

"I want to win you this stuffed bear." Sebastian pointed at the claw machine.

"You don't need to." I commented.

"I want to." He places his hand on my shoulder. He then of the number of tokens in. He began to use the claw and move it around until he found the perfect bear. He then pressed the button. He got it!! He retrieved the prize.

"To my lady," he bowed and gave me the bear.

"Such a gentleman." I chuckled.

After a lovely date, I went home and put the best in my suitcase. I looked through my old journals and began to wonder how I could finish the song. Then, I came across one of my journals from around the time my mom died. As a kid, I would write poetry, not knowing it was a song. I grinned as I read some of the liner of my older poems. Then, I realized how to finish the song.

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