Clash Of The Titans

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The sky had darkened so much that it was as if the night had fallen.

You snapped out of it, realizing that this might be your last battle, whether you were to survive or perish during it. It was the Final War. There was no place for hesitation nor fear.

You all turned into your kaiju forms.

You quickly count the enemy forces, they were 12: a Boar, a Scorpion, a Rhinoceros, a Crow, a Crocodile, a Tortoise, a Cerberus, an eyeless Bat, a winged Lion, a Tiger with horns and the 2 Godzilla: the siblings...Claire and Adam.
Meanwhile on your sides, there was a Taurus: Mino ; a Bird: Angela ; a Gorilla: Gordon  and 2 Godzilla too: you and Shini.

5 VS 12

The siblings were about your height in their kaiju form, it was a bit hard to tell whether they were slightly taller or not. However, one thing's for sure, they didn't look like you. Their appearance wasn't 'scary', it was nightmarish, they looked horrifyingly deformed and somewhat twisted. Their tails were significantly longer than yours too.

Weirdly enough, you could tell which one was Claire and which one was Adam. There wasn't any real physical difference to tell them apart but you could feel it... It was as if each were emitting some specific vibe...

There was no way of telling how strong they were compared to you and Shini but they had to be the priority in this battle, they were easily the most dangerous of your enemies. But it won't be easy to focus only on the two of them, having too many opponents in the battlefield could quickly become overwhelming.

Gordon started beating his chest as everyone roared then charged at one another.
The final showdown had begun.

Your first move was to charge at Adam, trapping your arms around him (although, considering the length of your arms, it was impossible to actually trap them around him but what you did was the closest thing you could) and pushing him with all your strength. Strangely, he didn't seem to react, as if he wasn't even aware of what was going on.

Shini, on the otherhand, ran then swung her tail to hit Claire, the latter staggered a bit backward before steadying herself and turning around to swing her tail it the same fashion. Shini couldn't dodged the attack so she bit the dust. She rose again to spot Claire's tail coming her way once again.

Shini planted her feet on the ground, gritted her teeth and caught the tail. Then, using all the strength she possessed, Shini lifted her archenemy off the ground before hurling her fiercely in the air. More than 90,000 metric tons had just been thrown away. When Claire made contact with the earth, the impact produced a massive earthquake that fissured and broke the ground.

This sudden tremor threw you off balance for a slight second and Adam didn't let his chance go to waste as he violently headbutted you then savagely bit your shoulder, surprisingly making you bleed, his teeth sinking in your skin.

Shini shoulder-charged Adam, you gave her nod as a way of thanking her. Your eyes then widened and you rushed past her to fire your Atomic Blast to save her from Claire's Atomic Blast. The two attacks collided, sending sparks all around the place, barely missing the other kaijus.

Shini was about to help you but was shoved out of the way by Adam. They faced each other as your struggle ended with your victory however, you Atomic Blast didn't seem to have hurt Claire at all as she didn't scream in pain nor even grunt. But, she seemingly ceased moving.

Fully aware of her fully operational state as your attack hadn't left any scratch on her, you decided not to pay her any mind and concentrate on the lesser kaijus: "(I'd better focus on the others, although she has stopped moving, I'm not sure I would be able to wound her. I might as well help the others to prevent any overwhelming situation.)"

The Monsters Humanity Created: Male 2014 Godzilla Reader X Female GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now