A monster's pain

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~Several weeks after the previous chapter~

??? PoV

I woke up in a large cave with a headache...what happened? Why am I here? I can't remember anything but pain and...roars...? I slowly got up and began to look around.

I was...lost. There was only grass and trees, no sign of civilization, only mother Nature. Where is this place? How did I end up here? I noticed something after a while: giant animal footprints. How d-...is it a hidden camera? Am I dreaming? No, doesn't feel like it. Then, it means that there was one of those giant monsters I saw in TV. I just hope it is gone. We really are living in a crazy world nowadays, reality became science fiction.

I started to walk a bit to see if I could come across anybody or even a sign telling me where is the nearest city.






I didn't find anything, even after hours of walking. At least I didn't meet the giant monster. How far am I from a city? And I still can't remember anything.

I gathered fruits and sat down to rest. I was trying really hard to recall what could have occurred for me to wake up in a cave so far away from everything.

After a while, I decided to continue walking to try and find anything related to civilization. At one point, I even came across wolves, they were growling at me as if I was a threat, yet, they didn't attack. I kept walking until it was night. I considered myself half-lucky, I didn't got bitten to death and/or eaten by wild animals, however I still haven't find anything close to a human or a village, or anything related really.

I've found another cave to rest in, I just hoped there wasn't any wild hungry beast in there. I sat down and waited a bit, I found it hard to sleep in a place where you could be killed by animals at any moment. It was even harder when thunder cracked, ending the silence and followed by a deluge so loud it was hard to even hear my own thoughts.

With the sound of thunder, memories flashed back to me but they were weird, so much that I wasn't sure they were mine or even real. I was in what seemed to be a lab, people injected me something as I screamed in pain and...anger. Next thing I remember is me running to a city, but I was huge, my arms were as hairy as a beast and I was running like one. Then, I was fighting two Godzillas. I threw cars at one of them, dodged blasts, I even climbed a building and let it fall on them...

No, it wasn't a dream...that...really happened. I can feel it. I remember. The intense heat of their blast, the dust of a collapsed edifice, the loud roar of one of those two, similar to the sound of thunder, silencing everything else while giving you chills. I remember the intense suffering I felt when one of them bit my arm and broke it. They...spared me...

I recall now what occured next. I ran away, far away from the city. I kept running until I was completely drained out. I was starving but I was too big to eat anything to stop the hunger, yet I survived several days, until I had no energy left and reverted back into my human body.

So that's what happened...I see. I can't go back in the city, I could harm people. It may be better if I stay here, alone.

I'm a monster...
Not by choice but...Because I'm too tall.
I'm too strong.
I'm too dangerous.

I never wanted this...
My life has become a tragedy...

I don't know. I really don't know what to do.

I'm lost...

A/N: Next chapter, we'll go back to our two protagonists!

The Monsters Humanity Created: Male 2014 Godzilla Reader X Female GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now