Questions and painful memories.

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I woke up and saw a few shark meats, I looked around to see Shini sitting on the sand a few feet away. I turned my head to the food and eat everything before getting up. I walked to Shini and sat next to her. She spoke before I could.

"I like this place... it is...reassuring.", I just nodded while she kept looking in the distance for a minute or so.

"Did you sleep well?", I broke the silence, looking at her, she nodded with what looked like a smile.

"Shini, I have so many questions about your time 'there'." Her smile faded away slowly and her gaze turned to the ground. "For how long were you 'there'?"

"5 years I think...6 perhaps? maybe a bit more. You lose the sense of time once in those cells, but I know that I was being tortured for 4 years or so. "

I couldn't believe it, 5 years!? She was a test subject more than 3 years before me?! Meaning that the corporation that made experiments on me were doing this for a while when I arrived... I wasn't the first subject as I assumed, but I might have been the first successful mutant. The first monster. That also means that "they" were thinking about creating a weapon for a long time now.

"When did you become a mons- a kaiju?", I asked, trying not to call her a monster but I ended up cursing myself mentally as kaiju meant strange creature...

"A year and a half ago." So about 6 months after me huh.

"Why didn't they create more like us, Godzillas? And how did they do that in the first place? I mean, it's not like they could take some of Godzilla's DNA (even if he existed, I'm not sure they could), so did they mash-up lizard DNA with a laser gun or something?"

"I don't know, but if it's that hard to make a Godzilla, then they'd rather create other monsters. Quantity over quality. They call it business after all. As for me, they may have kept a little dose of what they used on you to make you a Godzilla."

"You may be right...then why use it on you and not someone else?"

"I don't know. Maybe they thought I was the best subject."

"Yeah, you completely overpowered me yesterday. How? Did you train?"

"Yes, simulator and real tests. In the simulator I trained in my kaiju form while in the real world, I had to fight other experiments but we were in our human body. That's because the base I was held in was underground so they obviously never let me, or anyone else, turn into a kaiju. They kept us from doing so by electrocution."

"What? But we are durable enough to bear it, right?" She stood up and walked closer to the sea but without going in it.

"Yes, if it's the body that was electrocuted, but here, the electric shocks were hitting my skull and brain. Trust me, it hurts enough to make you want to obey... they kept torturing me like that, whether I made mistakes on the virtual battlefield or tried to fight back. They even made me kill other people like us! 'To make me better' they said... One day, I tried to escape by turning into a kaiju, tried to bear the pain and destroy everything but it just made things worse... I ended up giving up. I wrecked a lot of stuff so the punishment was increased everytime I made another mistake." I saw her hands clenching and tears starting to fall down her cheeks, she wiped them before continuing. "Among all of those people, there was one person that I couldn't stand. The boss of the corporate. She acted like she was my mom but never hesitated to make me suffer. She is so arrogant, haughty..." her voice was shaking as she couldn't stop her tears to fall, her voice switching from normal to her kaiju's self. "I hate her and her cocky attitude! She is the true monster! Making people suffer and turning them into weapons! just for money..."

She broke in tears, blue flames coming out of her mouth by anger. I told her "You can let go."

She then fired her Atomic Blast in the distance. She couldn't keep it straight as she was sobbing. At one point, she couldn't even use her Atomic Blast, she tried to fire it but only little flames were coming out. She then screamed however it wasn't an angry scream, but a painful one. She sat down again, burying her face in her arms, still crying as I just stood there. It was my fault if she was in this state. I just pat her head a little before going to pick some fruits for her.

I went picking various fruits from different trees before fetching drinkable water from the source, I placed the water in an empty coconut that was on the beach (of course I cleaned the inside before). I then brought everything to Shini, she didn't notice tho since her face was still buried in her arms. I went searching another coconut before coming back and opening it. She would then have a variety of fruits and could chose to either drink water or coconut water.

Of course she didn't raised her head so I brought the radio and put a song: "Who we are" - Red.

Maybe I should have chosen a more relaxing song to calm her down but I think that this could be more impactful for her. As she began to hear the music, she raised her head and saw all I brought to her. She looked at me.

"To cheer you up. All for you." She wiped her tears away. "You know, you are free now. They won't torture you ever again, I'll make sure they won't."

"Thanks." She said, grabing a fruit and biting eat.

The rest of the day was just us relaxing, not really talking as I thought I talked too much this day. She ate everything and seemed to like all of it. She liked the song too. Maybe I will make her hear Linkin Park songs afterward.

The Monsters Humanity Created: Male 2014 Godzilla Reader X Female GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now