First "Team-work"

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Shini PoV

(Y/N) had the idea to go buy some food (other than fruits and fishes) in the city. I didn't really want to be alone and wait for him to return so I went with him. It was still really early, it will make it easier to arrive unnoticed in the city. I wonder how he will buy food, does he have money? I don't remember seeing him take some, but he did went fishing so maybe he intends to sell the big fishes to pay us something to eat.

We carefully arrived on the beach as humans to prevent being noticed. There was noone so we get out quickly and wait a little for our clothes to dry. We used our flames, or 'Atomic Blast' as (Y/N) call it, to light a little fire just to dry our clothes quicker as we sit next to the flames.

When it was done, we walked into the city and saw the ruins of our fight: flattened cars, collapsed buildings, wrecked place. We really destroyed a part of this city, and probably killed people...

We kept going and found the marketplace, we sold our fishes relatively quickly and (Y/N) told me to follow him.

We entered a minimarket and chose a few things to eat, then I heard someone calling (Y/N), turning around I saw a blonde girl.

"Oh, Kara! Fancy metting you here! How have you been?" he said with a smile, are they friends?

"Great! But what happened here was horrible. My friends and I were lucky that we had a rendez-vous far away from that disaster, we left right before it happened. Many people died and more are still missing because of that monster fight..." She's refering to the day I fought (Y/N)... "Oh? Who's that?" She asked looking at me with curiosity.

"Oh right! That's Shini! A friend of mine." I waved at her slowly and she did the same with a smile.

They talked a bit before Kara left. We paid our food and went walking in a park.

"When did you meet Kara?" I asked after a while.

"The same day I met you, before our battle. I played beach volley with her and her friends, they are fun."

"She said a lot of people died or are still missing because of us..." I lowered my head. "because of me..."

(Y/N) remained silent for a few seconds "I wrecked a good part of this city too, that 'Beam Struggle' was really intense and it destroyed many buildings. But we can't change the past, we should live the present and think about the future. Like enjoying those delicious snacks and thinking about killing those who made us monsters! How is it? Sounds good?"

"Yes, yes it does."

We ate the food we bought earlier and were thinking about what we could eat tonight. When most of your days can be summed up as 'Doing nothing until you have to fight a monster', well you start solely thinking about what you will eat next. We stayed in the park for a while, sitting at a bench and just looking around, at other people having fun, at birds being fed, etc.

After relaxing, we decided to wander around the town a bit. We ended up going back to the area we fought (Y/N) and I a few days ago. What a mess... to think that I made a building collapsed on his head and he did the same to me.

Suddenly, loud thuds could be heard from far away, they were getting closer with a fast pace, like something big was coming this way. Then a giant gorilla jumped in the middle of the place, roaring angrily at the only people present here: us.

We both transformed to face this great ape and (Y/N) spoke first: "We are two Godzillas, there is no way that 'Kong' could b-" he was interrupted by a car flying to his face, the gorilla mocked him.

3rd PoV

Without wasting a second, you fired your 'Atomic Blast' but the ape dodged it pretty easily before taking a building debris and jumping to smash it on your face violently. Shini shot her Blast to the monster to stop him but he quickly jumped, avoiding the ray. He threw a few cars at the female to gain some time, enough to close the distance and punch her. This time, you came to the rescue by shoulder-charging the gorilla, you tried to hit him with your tail but he grabbed it and threw you into a building after a little spin.

Shini fired at the monster, taking it by surprise. 'Kong' managed to run at her and he propelled himself to close her mouth using his feet, the propulsion force allowed him to smash her to the ground. He stomped out her a head a few times before you got back on your feet and blasted him, making him release Shini's mouth. She joined you by shooting at her ennemy who jumped on a remaining building and began to climb it as you and Shini kept firing your 'Atomic Blast', trying to hit him but instead damaging the edifice.

When the ape arrived at the top, he taunted the both of you by beating his chest and so you charged you attack and, then, noticed that the structure was about to fall on your heads.

You didn't have enough time to run away so you both decided to try destroying most of the building by blasting it. You did the best you could in the short amount of time given but it still ended up crushing you to the ground, as the gorilla jumped right before it collapsed on you.

The 'Kong' waited for the dust to disappear to see if his opponents were still alive. Shini walked out as you were a little stunned and had trouble rising up.
The two kaijus were facing each other, not doing anything but looking at each other dead in the eyes. Then the giant gorilla beat his chest once again while roaring. "RROOOOOOWWWRR!!"


Both of them suddenly moved, the great ape punched Shini but she bit his arm afterwards and used her strenght to throw him on the ground, still grabbing his arm in her mouth. She used her leg to pin the gorilla on the ground while she pulled his arm with her mouth, breaking it as he screamed in pain and struggled, trying to break vain. She kept pulling, and pulling, as if trying to rip the arm off.

You got up and walked to Shini, when you saw the gorilla's painful expression, you felt bad. You didn't know why, perhaps it was because he looked more like a human than any other kaiju you fought. And so, you told the girl: "Stop it. He had enough."

She looked at you, not letting go. "What? Why?"

"Please, just let him go. In his state, he won't be bothering us anymore, he knows we are stronger."

"What if the corporation take him back?"

"I don't think they will, he is useless to them, they might want to send better monsters. Look, he is broken, he won't ever fight us again." She released the gorilla who backed away in fear, not even trying to throw anything and, instead, only holding his broken arm. You turned to him: "Go!" He slowly got up and ran away from the city. You just hoped that he will control himself, reverted back into a human and live peacefully.

You and Shini turned back into humans. She spoke first: "Why showing mercy? I mean, you killed every other monsters you fought besides me, and that was because I beat you, so why sparing this one?"

"I don't really know...I just felt bad for him. Maybe it was because he looked more human than the others..."

"I just hope he won't be causing us trouble anymore."

You both went back to the inhabited part of the city but noone was there. What you didn't know was that people heard your fight and some of them went to see you, monsters, battling and so they fled. You guessed it may be that. It didn't really matter to you. You went to a 'hot dog stand' and prepared a few hot dogs for you and Shini.

You both spent the rest of the day eating things for free since nobody was around. When it was the night, you felt too tired to return to your island and so you decided to stay there for the night and go back home the next day in the morning.

You entered a wrecked but still standing building in the place you fought earlier. You slept quite peacefully in this abandoned area.

 You slept quite peacefully in this abandoned area

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A/N: Picture by gamerag3

The Monsters Humanity Created: Male 2014 Godzilla Reader X Female GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now