Scars and Wounds

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You were fighting a giant lizard. When you arrived, it ate a car and then a guy who was trying to run for his life. That was a bit creepy, even more considering it had big teeth. Now that you thought about it, it was like a Godzilla but on its four feet and minus the Atomic attack. It was pretty fast and it kept using its tongue to throw things at you, as if it was a grappling hook or a web-shooter.

You were really getting pissed off by this as it was pretty hard to catch or simply hit, even when you were helped by Shini and it was alone against you too. Yet, it managed to outrun you several times and when you finally caught its tail, the kaiju simply dropped it to flee and that was pretty effective considering it regenerated a new one within seconds.

This lizard did it multiple times, meaning that it had an enhanced regenerative healing factor that allowed him to heal the wounds you managed to cause and to grow back any missing limbs other than the head, and unlike any normal lizard, the new tail wasn't shorter than the previous one, no, it was a perfect copy. Same goes for it feet that he regenerated within mere seconds. That was outstanding to say the least.

Though you didn't know all this stuff, it was clear to you that you would need to aim for the head if you really wanted to win this battle. You understood that your opponent had enhanced stamina as well and that the more this fight would go on, the less you'd have chance to end it.

After a few attempts, it was Shini who finally succeeded to stomp the kaiju's back, there was no way he could escape this time. It struggled in vain while Shini was loading her Atomic Blast, then, the lizard threw its tongue out to the edifice in front of him and made it fall on their head. You tried to destroy the building unsuccessfully as the lizard ran away in time, using the moment Shini loosened her restraint due to the structure collapsing on her head first.

It was really clever, it even used the dust to cover its retreat. You were about to go help Shini out when, out of the blue, the lizard's tongue was threw out to you. Though you didn't expect it to attack right after getting out of Shini's grip, you did catch it in time and used it to hold the kaiju in place. It tried to escape but couldn't, now was the perfect time to put an end to this fight. You became to gather the necessary energy for an Atomic Blast while the monster kept moving, attempting to break free.

In vain.

You fired your attack as your opponent's eyes widen, it was too late, the blast completely burned the lizard's head.

You then helped Shini out of the ruins.




Once at the island, you both parted ways, you didn't know why but the last few days Shini became a bit distant. She was even less talkative, which you didn't expect could happen since that night where she was really curious. Now, she would only nod from times to times and if she seemed like it, she would speak, but that was starting to become rare. It's been 2 days since you last heard her voice, even when she hit her toe on a rock that was hidden by the sand, she only grunted in pain but no words, no insults or anything.

And you thought she was starting to finally open herself, nope. A step forward and two steps back.

At this point, you've wondered if that wasn't a side effect of the serum that still remained in her blood. Maybe she was beginning to become a beast, no more words, only grunts and groans. That couldn't be the case, if it was then you should have been affected by it too, yet it didn't happened to you so it certainly wasn't the serum's doing.

Then, it may just be her. Maybe she just didn't want to talk, but for so long? Was it because you said "When did you become so talkative?" and she was a bit offended? You really didn't know and that was really starting to upset you, not so much the fact that Shini stopped talking but the fact that you didn't know why. The first time you noticed she hasn't spoken for a while, you assumed you shouldn't ask, in case she would just curled herself up even more. Now, however, you really needed to know, it couldn't last any longer.

The Monsters Humanity Created: Male 2014 Godzilla Reader X Female GodzillaWhere stories live. Discover now