A safe place to call..."home"?

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Shini PoV

While still underwater, (Y/N) slowed down and turned around to tell me that he didn't plan anything to eat tonight. I didn't say anything and he remained silent until we arrived at his island. We both turned back to our human form. The sun was starting to set down, no noise besides the wind blowing among the trees, and the sea with it waves. That seemed...so peaceful...

"So, this is my island!", he broke the silence, "It might not be the best place to call 'home' but at least there isn't anybody to judge you."

"('Home'...)" I thought, looking to my feet before hearing (Y/N) continue.

"If you are thirsty, there is a drinkable water source.", he pointed with his thumb behind him, looking to this direction, you could see the source he was talking about. "And if you are hungry, there are fruit trees. And fishes too, of course. If ever you want to wash yourself, there is a little waterfall nearby in the woods. There is shampoo and soap placed on one the rocks there, don't ask how I managed to have those here."

I was just looking around while he was talking but still paying attention to every words he said. "Well... I'm gonna go get a shark for dinner since I don't think fruits will do. You, just...go look around a little, do whatever you want."

I nodded, (Y/N) did the same before going into the sea. I turned around and walked to the water source he mentionned earlier. I drank a bit before going deeper into the island for no real reason, maybe that's what is called 'curiosity'. There weren't any wild animals, only birds. Maybe I should consider them 'wild' since they are free...if being 'wild' means being 'free' then I want to be wild too. I mean wilder because I...am free now...anyway.

I found the waterfall, it was beautiful. Nature is beautiful, sometimes breathtaking, even the little things are pretty, like the water drip. At least for me. It almost made me smile. There was a little lake, formed by the water falling. It wasn't deep, knee-deep. I walked in the water, it wasn't that cold, considering that the sun was slowly setting.

I saw on a rock near the waterfall some shampoo and soap like (Y/N) said, but he didn't tell me there would be a towel too, maybe he doesn't use it. I undressed myself before going under the water. It felt so nice I wished I could stay under it forever. I looked at the soap for a moment before applying it on my body.




After what felt like an eternity, I smelled food so I decided to get out of the water. I dryed myself off with the towel, dressed up then proceeded to follow that good smell. It was now the night, dark yet bright thanks to the full moon and the stars.

Once at the beach, I saw (Y/N) lying down and what I assumed being shark meat near a fire. I walked to it, guessing that (Y/N) made this fire to cook the food. It looked like he fell asleep. I quietly sat down, wondering if it was really okay to eat the shark while he was sleeping. I didn't eat it all, in case (Y/N) fell asleep before taking a bite.

He was right, it really is peaceful...and safe. Is this how...'home' feels like?

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