A visit

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It was currently 1:45am September 12, 2022 and Jessica had given birth to a beautiful baby girl almost an 1 hour ago. She need to get her rest because everyone she loved would be here tomorrow.

She was so exhausted from the night before and it felt like she had only slept five minutes when really she slept like 9 hours. It was about 10am when she woke up and found her mother and father in her room patiently waiting for her to awake.

"Hey honey" her mother said

"Hey mom...did she wake up at all" Jessica asked

"they just brought her in a couple of minutes ago sweetheart" her mom replied

Before Jessica could say anything her baby girl started crying. Her mom picked her up and passed her to Jessica.

2 hours had gone by since then and family members and come in and out of her hospital room. She had seen family who lived far and friends she hadn't seen since college. She had seen all the Bellas except for one which was one she hadn't seen in a long time.

A few hours had passed and her baby was currently sleeping and just as she was about to nap their was a knock at her door.

"Come in" she called

As soon as the door opened she had the biggest smile on her face. Ashley had came..to see her. Even though they hadn't seen each other in a while Ashley looked the same to her and is still the beautiful girl she fell inlove with.

"Hey jess...sorry i'm late...busy day" Ashley said as she entered the room

"Hey ashley...it's okay i would've understood if couldn't have come..by the way happy birthday " Jessica said

"Thanks jess...so your little girl and I have the same birthday huh?" Ashley asked

"yeah they do" Jessica said smiling

"so...what's her name?"

"Annabelle Smith"

"She's beautiful jess..she looks a lot like you"

"Thanks ash"

They sat in comfortable silence while Ashley admired her baby bride Jessica spoke up again.

"It really does mean a lot that you came Ashley..I know we haven't seen or spoke. to each other in a while"

"Of course jess...and I know but we still care for each right"

"Right...Hey ash I-"

Jessica was about to speak when her mother came into the room.

"ohh sorry honey...I didn't know you had company"

"it's alright...i have to be going anyways...It was great to see you again jess please call me when u came...i love you" Ashley said

"i love you too ash" Jessica said

ohh how she wished those words were said in a different way.

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