He pouted lightly, "what's wrong"
"I did all of that work for you and all I get is a kiss?"
"Oh, trust me," he started off with a humoured chuckle, "that was not going to be just a kiss"
"We'll see who's the judge of that"
He groaned shortly before a knock at the door turned both your heads.

"Come in" he announced, letting go of your waist so the anonymous interloper wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
The door opened smoothly and your father came into view- thank god Jimin had let go of you - a soft, greeting type of smile on his face.

"Mr Y/l/n" Jimin bowed his head respectfully.
"Oh, Y/n?" Your father looked to you with a confused look on his face, shutting the door behind him.
"H-hi, dad. Mr Park and I were just going over tomorrows work" you lied skilfully.

Jimin cleared his throat with his head down low, hands clasped in front of his- you glanced away from him quickly and continued talking before your father - I repeat, father - speculated what was really going down in here.

"So, father, what's wrong?"
"Ah, yes, I have something I need to inform you about"
"What is it, Sajang-nim?" Jimin finally got his voice back.
"Remember that childs vitamin company that you had reached out to about a week ago?"
Jimin hummed a yes.
"Well, they've decided to take our offer and want to talk with us tomorrow!"
"Really? That's amazing" Jimin smiled.
"So I came here to tell you that we are scheduled to have a meeting with them tomorrow at 1 pm on the dot, and you,
Jimin, are the chairperson"
"Wait, me?" He pointed to his chest.
"Of course! You're the one who came up with the idea to reach out to them in the first place"
"Wow, thank you..so much, Sajang-nim"
"No need to thank me." He swatted his hand, "Ah, you'll need these"

He walked toward the desk, but hesitated, needing to put his briefcase on top somewhere before being able to open it.
"My, you're desk is messier than Marks whole bedroom" your father commented and after you let out a small laugh, you cleared a space up for him to hand more papers to Jimin.

"What is this?" Jimin asked.
"Just a brief on the assignment, and the contract the company will have to sign when going through with this offer"
"What offer?" You questioned finally after all this time, still completely unaware of what was going on.
"Ah, yes, you'll need to fill in Y/n about this as well"
"Will do, Sajang" Jimin gave you an acknowledging glance before putting the papers in his own briefcase.

"Okay, well that's my work done for today. I'm going to head home and relax, you two should do the same." Your father sighed with tire.
"Bye dad," you went in to hug him, having not seen him for a while, even though you literally work with him "tell everyone at home I said hi"
"I will, if only your godforsaken brother would get off his videgames and come down once in a while" he muttered.
"Want me to completely annihilate him on his game?" You grinned evilly.
"Nuh uh, you have work to do missy." He scolded in his fatherly manner.
"Aw" you pretended to sulk.
"Alright," he chuckled, heading toward the door out, "I'll see you two tomorrow. And Jimin, good luck on the project"
"Thank you, Sajang. We won't disappoint you"
"I know you won't"
He closed the door and the sound of his footsteps faded as he left.
As soon as there was no more tapping sounds, Jimin picked you up and placed you on top of his desk, lips slammed against yours already.
Stunned, yet entranced by his actions, your hands gripped at his shoulders.

  You two pulled back, taking a breath "W-What are you doing?.."
"God I was waiting so long for him to leave" Jimin growled passionately, obviously tempted for a long time.
"Uh, s-sweetie, as much as I am dying for you right now, the door is still unlocked, and this place is a mess"
"Right. Get your coat, purse, everything. We're leaving" he ordered, already walking round.


As soon as the front door shut, you two were hands-on.
"Upstairs" he managed to say in between the kiss and you obliged, taking his hand and leading him up to the bedroom, anticipation surging through you both it was almost painful.

You couldn't even comprehend what happened when you entered the bedroom, it was all so fast; he was on top of you on the bed, coat and blazer already off while you were left in your unbuttoned shirt and skirt.
The room was already feeling a few degrees increased in temperature and was filled with the sounds of pants and desperate kisses.
He slipped his tongue in mercifully while dragging down your skirt. It was an all out tongue war while you worked on getting his clothes off, but found it to be a little difficult so you flipped yourself over to now be straddling him.

He hesitated, amazed before you grabbed his chin and continued kissing him, taking off his belt and trousers in the process.
Sliding your hands up his legs he released the torment he was feeling by biting down on your bottom lip. You simply smirked and whispered down in his ear, "Is Mr Park getting angry?"
"Fuck.." he breathed out, "say that again"
"Say what?" You innocently replied, removing his shirt, watching the way his chest rose up and down.
"Don't make me punish you" he hissed, tightening his hands on your bare hips.
"Punish me? Whatever did I do Mr Park?" You nonchalantly said against his neck, putting him more on edge while you left - at first - soft kisses, turning more aggressive as they passed.
He whimpered under your control as if to not give in to submissiveness, and you had to admit, it felt good to be on top; you just wanted to tease him till he fell and begged, screaming for you.

"Tell me, what do you want Mr Park" you whispered into his other ear.
"Alright that's fucking it" he snarled, flipping you back over, "you're gonna regret that" he pushed his cheek out with his tongue.
You licked your lips, breathless for what's about to come next.

Holy shet.

𝟙𝟟𝟡𝟟 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤

Arranged | P.JM FF Where stories live. Discover now