20: She's still here

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Her hands are covering her face and her leg is slightly lifted to cover her stomach, but I don't move even an inch.

I keep my position for another few seconds before backing off and walking out.

I walk over to the cemetery where Thomine lies, immediately aiming for her grave.

I sit down next to her stone, allowing my head to fall down in my hands and my knees to my chest.

"I'm the worst boyfriend ever. I could t keep you safe, I'm acting threatening around Piper, I've lost absolutely everyone in my life!" I cry it all out as I feel the cold winter breeze blowing against my bare arms.

I didn't even bring a jacket. I walked straight out in my ripped jeans and t-shirt leaving my girlfriend alone and scared in the kitchen.

I can feel a hand on my shoulder, but I don't budge, thinking it's Piper.

"Michael, you're only trying to protect me," she said.

My head snaps up with panic and I freeze in my fetus position when I look at her.

Her brown hair is wavy and shiny, her green eyes are shining more than ever.

Her voice is sweeter than I remember it.

I quickly jump up and stare at her in disbelief as I try to find the right words to say.

All I can choke out is her name.


Her smile goes wide as she looks at me, her cheeks lifting up forcing her eyes to squint.

She's so beautiful.

She's drop dead gorgeous!

"Hi, Mikey," she breathes as tears fall down her smooth face.

I run towards her, holding around her tiny waist and push her as close to my body as humanly possible.

I dig my face in the crook of her neck as she does the exact same.

We stand there for a long time before I pull away to look at her again.

"How- what-" I stutter, not knowing what to say.

"I miss you Mikey, I'm so lonely without you," she whisper as she brings her eyes to look at mine.

She stares at me for a while before she speaks up again, grabbing my hands.

"Come join me, it's so cold down here."

"What do you mean, join you?" I ask, looking at her with both disbelief and confusion.

"Up there. It's so bright and warm, and I don't feel any pain there. It's more home than this place ever was," she explain as she looks up to the sky.

I didn't even notice how the sky turned orange with a bright light shining down on us.

She looks back at me with the biggest grin ever and her eyes hold so much hope as she bites her bottom lip.

5sos My BulliesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon