Chapter 12- Talk

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*Alex's Point of View*
I wake up in the morning to the hearing of a drunk man snoring. The fact that he was snoring and his mouth was wide open to the smell of alcohol covering the whole room was a turn off. Other than that he looked good, he was still cuddling me which made it hard for me to get up. Finally i wiggled out of his hold to go use the bathroom. When i got back into the room i didn't see Damien all though i did hear a low moan of pain and i walked to the other side of the bed to see him laying on the floor. He as holding his stomach and he went to speak but started coughing/gagging whatever you call it. I ran and brought the trash can to him so he could empty the alcohol out of his stomach. After that i got him some medications and he went back to bed.
While Damien slept i busied myself with some reading and talking with some gang members to learn more about my new world. After a little while i decided to go back to my room to check on Damien. When i got up to my room i seemed to have woken him from his slumper. He raised up and said "We need to talk". I nodded my head and went and sat down on my bed. Once i was situated he said "So, i know this may seem weird but whatever we had was nothing and meant nothing, and i can't have distractions". When he said that i kind of was expecting because he as nice, sweet, and adorable to me, but the thought kept leaving my mind that he was a gang leader of one of the most dangerous gangs in the world. I didnt want my new boss to get the satisfaction of me being soft and hurt by what he said. So i rolled my eyes and looked him up and down and said " Yeah it does sound weird because of the fact that we never had anything going on and i agree no distractions, but if im gonna live your gonna have to be a little distracted with helping and training me, otherwise you should have killed me when you had the chance". Honestly i couldn't believe i spoke like that to my boss or the most feared man in the world and clearly he couldnt either by his facial expression. After he got over the shock he repositioned himself on my bed and came real close to me and whispered in my ear "Very well then, but you shouldnt be so sure about what you said". I still had some adreanaline left from my last line so i turned my face to the side to look him dead in the eyes, i felt my cheeks warm up when my nose brushed his nose and being that close to his face didnt help either. But i still was able to say "Yeah im sure about it boss", along with a small lip bite that i didnt mean to do because thats my go to thing to do when i get nervous. Which clearly he saw because then he bit my bottom lip and said "Your training starts tomorrow, dinner is at 7 the usual time, and the maids will bring you clothes, be at the gym by 6 in the morning". Then he put on his clothes and left the room like nothing ever happened.
*Damiens Point of View*
When i left Alex's room i wasnt exactly mad i was more so exicited, because i knew from the start bossing her around would be a handful but now it might be a little fun seeing as she'll bite the hand that feeds her. I walk to my office and call in Detroit and Hunter to catch me up. Detroit and Hunter arrive in my office, they both stare at me seeing me look hungover, with a red face, messy hair, and my clothes from last night on. Detroit laughs and says "Now whos bed did you wake up in"? I laughed and flip him off and said "No, nothing happened and nothing will i made sure of it". Detroit gasped and makes a dramatic face and says "You killed her you monster". I laughed and i raised my eye brow at him. Him and Hunter look at each other and then Hunter spoke and said "If shes not dead then somethings happening". I replied with "Screw yall". Detroit goes and says "Ill talk to Alex about". My face clenched and then they started laughing i didnt know what was funny but Detroit said "Im gay brother relax". I gave the both a look and got serious and said "The buisness". Detroit clears his throat and says "The Red Fox is back and has took down two shipments coming to us and words out shes back and very angry". My facial expressions instantly dropped, i thought she wouldn't start that up again.

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