Chapter 1- How It Happened

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Important Note-

Some scenes may be immature and, we will keep them to a minimum, so sorry for the inconvenience. If there are spelling and grammar mistakes let us know so we wont make them again. We do not own any copyrights to names, story plots, etc.

Now on to the story-

    I got to leave work early that night but not for the reason most people would think. I messed up one too many times, I couldn't handle the pressure. So many drunk guys to handle all together at one time. I've been working at Sally's Fish and Bar for three years, making below minimum wage. My apartment is trashier than a junk yard and smaller than a gas station's bathroom.

     This night was colder and darker than normal as I walked by the fishing docks. I knew something was off, I just couldn't put my finger on it. I had this strange feeling I was being watched. All of a sudden, I began to hear grown men arguing. Little did I know as I walked over there this moment would change my life. BANG BANG, shots were fired and I hear a man say "Get the girl, were being watched". I feel a hard throbbing in my head and, everything goes black.

    The next thing I know I was tied up to a chair in a room of solitude with a glass wall. Once I saw myself in the glass I knew I was being watched from the other side. A tall figure that was a man walked in the room and, grabbed me. He practically dragged me to another room. A man with a dark voice asked, "Who are you"? I replied, "Alex". The man asked, "Alex who"? I stayed quiet because I didn't know what to say. When I didn't reply, he slammed his fist down on the table I could have sworn I saw his knuckle fall off. He went to speak again, so I yelled, "I DONT KNOW"! He replied, "WHAT"?! I said to him " I'm adopted in an illegal way, I grew up on the streets and my name is Alexandra, but everyone calls me Alex, I seem to like it better". He stayed quiet, looking me up and down, over and over again. Then I said to him something I would later regret. I said "My eyes are up here". He began to laugh and then I asked "Who are you"? He replied "Your worst nightmare, baby". Before he could finish walking out of the room I screamed "I'll be your best day dream honey". He chuckled and the door closed.

    Before I could say anything else the man who dragged me in this interrogation room grabbed me. He blindfolded me and then gagged me, and then the retard decided he was gonna drag me to another room. Geez, these people have no idea God gave me legs. The man threw me in the room, I assumed was dark. I sat there forever, not seeing a thing, and I wondered, who was going to save me?

End of chapter 1

Writing Team-

Author and image designer- Brooklyn Alder

Grammar, spelling and, punctuation editor- Jarrett Stamps

Proof Readers- Abigal Mcpherson, Madison Frogue, Madelyn Slaughter, Lindsey Roe and, Shaeleina Wade

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