We immediately ran upstairs so he could show me his room. And it was exactly what I was expecting. Rich kid stuff. He had a big tv and a big bed. A bunch of books and a desk to the corner and light blue walls. "I donated all of my toys a while ago. I don't have a need for them anymore." He told me. So he donates too.

We sat down onto the floor and started playing Uncharted: The Lost Legacy. I could tell he played this allot. He was way to good at it. His mom soon walked in to inform us on dinner.
"Honey, why don't you give Taehyung something to wear for the night?" His mom said. "Then come down for dinner."

He got up and marched over to his wardrobe then pulled out a plain white shirt and a pair of plaid pajama bottoms. The one thing I didn't expect. I walked to the bathroom and freshened myself up before changing then heading downstairs to eat.

Him, his mom, and little sister where all sitting around the table getting ready to eat, so I joined. "Dang it." His mom said looking at her phone. "I gotta go into work right now there's an emergency at the clinic. You look after your sister." She said rushing out of her chair.
"Okay mom." He said sighing then frowning.

She kissed the two of them on the forehead the waved to me goodbye. "I should be in late." She told him then left out the door. Both of the seemed down. It wasn't like this five minutes ago. They must've been used to this. I know I was.
"Its fine." I told him. "My mom has to work late sometimes too. My dad as well."

Tears started to swell in his eyes, "It's not fair." He said then left the table and ran up the stairs. I followed him up.


"Bro, are you alright?" I asked him. His face was buried in his pillow. I shoved him continuously but he did not move. "She's coming back it's okay." I told him.
"It's not!" He yelled. "She does this all of the time! She's rarely ever home. And today was the one day she had off and she still left! I never get to talk to her. And when I do it's so, brief."

"You can talk to me." I told him. I wasn't used to this stuff. I thought it was normal.  My mom and dad leaving out late never seemed to bother me. My few friends in my neighborhood always said that there parents left late at night for more money.

I patted his back and told him it was gonna be alright. He finally began to calm down and wiped the tears from his eyes. "Don't tell anyone from school about this, alright?" He said chuckling and I laughed as well. The laughing finally fell quiet and then there was an awkward silence.

I sat there at the end of his bed next to him and finally removed my hand from his back and he looked up at me. We made a small moment of eye contact before I watched him move closer to me, then felt him lips crash onto mine.

At least 5 seconds in I pulled away and was completely red. I stumbled back and couldn't believe what happened. I couldn't close my eyes and I honestly didn't know what to think. It all happened so fast. He seemed to have the same reaction. "T-Taehyung w-wait." He said. I quickly grabbed my bag and my basketball and ran towards the door where I slipped on my shoes.

He ran after me down the steps. "Wait don't go!" He called.
"What are you expecting me to stay?!" I called back. I opened up the door and ran out then grabbing my skateboard and riding down the street.

This is not happening, this is not happening! I kept saying to myself. Why would he kiss me?! Does he like me? Do I like him? What's going on?! I cannot see him again. No way. I can't go back to that school! He's gonna tell everyone!

When I made it home I went right to my mom. "I need to switch schools." I told her.
"No way." She said. "I paid so much for those expensive uniforms, it's a really nice school Tae."
"I cant be there mom."
"And why not, son?" She said.

"B-Because. Because I don't want to." I said.
"That's not an excuse. Your going to school on Monday." She said. "And why didn't you stay at your friends house?" She asked. I stayed silent and walked to my room. She followed me up.

"Son whats going on?" I have to lie. I have to. Its the only way for me to never have to go back there.
"I'm being bullied." I said. Dammit.
"Bullied?!" She said. "Bullied by who?! Just the other day you said you where having a good time and you where starting to like it. Now someone's bullying you?"

Now how will I get myself out of this. "It's okay mom. I don't have to go back there."
"Its not fine." She said. "If its driving you to want to leave school then its unacceptable." I'm trapped now. I have to come clean but I don't want to. I may just have to bend the truth a bit.

"Okay I'm not being bullied." I told her. She frowned. "I'm not being bullied but, there's a kid there that I really don't wanna see anymore. Like ever again. It would be too awkward. Please don't make me go back."

"Son look." She started. "We can figure something out. But I'm not just gonna take you out of school because of it."
She came to sit down next to me.
I started to cry. I couldn't stop thinking about what would happen if he told someone at school what happened between us. Then I'd really be bullied.

I could tell my mom yearned for me. She rubbed my back and tried to get the tears from my eyes.
"Look. If your not happy, then I'm not. I'll sign you up for that other school you wanted to attend. Would that be alright?" She said. "But running away from your problems would fix them."

She got up and left me in my room by myself. I hated to admit that she was right. But I can't undue what had already been done.


I'll never be happy with my old self. The things my mom said still run in my head. I didn't even give that school a better chance. Who know what would've happened if I stayed there. All I know is this school seems like a much better fit for me anyways.

I know allot of people here already. There's no really smart rich kids. Just allot of kids that look like, well me. But I did take on a whole new persona. I didn't wanna become what I once was in middle school. So I changed. I put all my academics to the side and worked on my basketball skills.

I stopped caring about what people thought of me and started feeding on the weak. I didn't think of myself as a bully but a person with more power. I don't know if it makes much sense but thats how I perceive. There is no one like me.


Was it any good? And would you prefer my updates longer like this?

Well, this is all of Taehyung's back story. Just to kinda let you in and know what he's been through. And why he is the way he is now.

Look out for the next update. August 24, 2019.

And for future reference. I start school the beginning of September so updates might become a bit slow so sorry for that.

But I hope you enjoy and more to come. 🙃

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