Chapter Four - Initiation

Start from the beginning

"Star Wars, 1977...the originals...none of the new stuff" you proposed, watching as her curious look slowly altered into a smile.

Immediately by the look on her face, you could tell that you had hit a sweet spot. The world's most notorious hacker was a Star Wars geek, who would have thought?

"I guess we do have things in common...although you definitely can't be as much of a fan of it as I am. Mierda, I'd have Star Wars bedsheets if Ta-Overwatch would let me" she replied, sitting forwards, and looking up at you with a smile.

"Sombra...I have a set of Star Wars underwear back at the apartment. If you turn this dropship around, I swear to god you'll find them, plastered with Chewbacca images" you joked in response, although you weren't technically lying.

Everyone had their guilty pleasures, and one of yours just happened to be Star Wars.

"Pfft...that's classic...buuut when I was younger, I had a teddy bear called in R2D2. Well I say when I was's in my dormitory...on my bed...right now" she admitted in reply, causing you smile widely.

So not only was the master hacker a geek, she also had a geeky teddy bear. Imagine if the world knew that about the elusive 'Sombra'.

"Okay, that's bad, but at least you're not wearing Star Wars underwear, I'm still worse" you stated, not entirely sure if this was a contest that you wanted to win.

"How do you know that I'm not?" she questioned with a wink, before collapsing into laughter at her own geeky flirting.

You shook your head with a grin and couldn't help but join her with a chuckle of your own. It took a good minute or so for the two of you to calm down, by which time you were both breathless and must have looked like you were high on something.

Neither of you said a word, instead just gazing into one another's eyes for a moment. It was odd, trying to second guess whether Sombra actually liked you was nearly impossible, she was a master at manipulation after all. But it certainly seemed as if she did, and she looked visibly disappointed when an automated voice came over the tannoy.

"Attention. Incoming communication from...Headquarters" the dropship's AI reported, causing Sombra to sigh and shrug her shoulders.

She stood up and slowly moved towards the cockpit.

"Duty calls...though you were right, we have the same taste in movies" she remarked, causing you to grin widely.

"Don't forget the same taste in underwear too" you called, provoking one last smile from the hacker before she sealed the door again, retreating to the cockpit.

Content, you leaned back in your chair with a smile on your face. In one day, you had decided to join a peace-keeping organisation, boarded an invisible dropship, seen a view of Miami that you would never forget, and had an awesome conversation with Sombra. Maybe things are looking up.

Meanwhile, in the cockpit of the dropship, Sombra mentally prepared herself for another unpleasant conversation. For two months now, she had been under close supervision from her colleagues, all of whom suspected her of treachery. I got too cocky in Russia, she thought to herself with a sigh as she typed into a keyboard. Seconds passed, and once again the communication link opened, this time onto a random soldier whom Sombra did not recognise.

"Operative Sombra. The Successor sends his congratulations on the apprehension of the latest recruit. However, the plan has altered. We are seizing control of your autopilot" the soldier reported, causing Sombra to frown in confusion.

Overwatch - Deception (Sombra x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now