Chapter Ten - A Momentary Diversion

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The two of you silently strolled through the streets of New Delhi, each admiring the sights that greeted you around every corner. It was now midday, and the sun hung high in the sky, beating down upon you with a heat that you definitely were not used to. But the fascinating views at every turn were enough to forgive the hot climate, in fact you were beginning to forget about the weather altogether.

On one street, you saw a modest trail of old wooden carts laden with fruit, carried along by large pack horses. But on the next, you saw several large trucks, polluting the air with smoke and petrol fumes, their engines roaring as they passed by. At this time of day, everywhere you looked was full of people, and quite soon the crowds became a little choking. Every quaint little restaurant that you passed in Old Town appeared to be filled with locals, unfortunately there wasn't a specific café for Talon Saboteurs, otherwise you'd be fine.

Half an hour passed, and by now the two of you had managed to walk into the more modern area of New Delhi, dominated by high-rises and sky-cars. Every building you passed would have a large billboard attached to it with a holographic advertisement plastered to it, trying to persuade you to buy one product or another.

The crowds here only became denser, and quite soon you found yourself getting shoved out of the way far too frequently for your liking. It did not take long for you to get bored of all of the noisy people, and before long you spoke up.

"Sombra? I think we should find somewhere soon; this is getting ridiculous" you commented, having to practically leap out of the way as you were almost run over by an old woman in a hover chair.

"Sí, I...oh...I have the best idea!" Sombra answered, quickly getting off track and increasing her pace.

You frowned, finding yourself having to jog just to keep up with her.

"You gonna let me in on this idea of yours?" you questioned, continuing to follow behind as best as you could.

"You ever heard of a sky-café? They're on the top floors of those really high skyscrapers, an eatery for the rich and the powerful" the hacker explained in response, but clearly she was forgetting one vital fact.

"Mhm...that's all well and good, but we're not rich or powerful" you stated, and Sombra simply rolled her eyes with a smile.

Casually, the hacker swept off the busy street and stood next to a nearby ATM, looking surprisingly inconspicuous. Without gathering a speck of attention, she briefly typed something into her glove, and a second later the ATM expelled dozens of notes. You watched her shove the money into the pocket of her shorts, before quickly hacking the nearby security camera as well, and you couldn't help but smile.

" are shamelessly immoral" you commented amusedly.

Sombra turned to you with a wide grin, shrugging her shoulders.

"You know you love me for it" she replied casually with a wink, beginning to walk away again.

You shook your head with a smile, compelled to follow after the hacker as she headed towards the nearest skyscraper.

The elevator ride up to the top floor of the skyscraper was undeniably incredible, with the glass walls providing more glimpses of the landscape the higher up you got. When the elevator finally reached its destination, you could see for miles, past the borders of New Delhi and to the countryside beyond.

The doors opened silently, and immediately the sounds of a live band playing peaceful jazz music could be heard. You and Sombra shared an excited look, stepping inside the café, and immediately being approached by an omnic waiter.

Overwatch - Deception (Sombra x Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora