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(Keith's POV)

Everyone was in the room I was in. For two reasons One- I am temporarily paralyzed, And Two- Kolivan needed to talk to us.

"So you've been having trouble with Hagar?" Kolivan asked and we all nodded. "We need help giving" Allura held up two syringes with purple liquid. "These to Lance and Shiro... they are very aggressive right now" she said and gestures to me.

"Alright" Kolivan said taking one. Everyone but Pidge walked out. "Wanna watch them?!" She asked me I nodded. She sat next to me on the bed and hacked the cameras for the cells.

(3rd person POV)

Kolivan and the others walked down the cell block corridor. "Okay so how should we do this?" Kolivan said as they made it to the cells. Shiro and Lance were slumped over not breathing.

They rushed into the cells thinking they were dead. Both sprung up and attacked. "Pidge we have to get down there and help them!" I yelled but she shook her head. "I'm staying here Incase they get in here". Pidge got up and locked the door changing the code.

The others were still fighting lance had stolen a syringe and was trying to stab people. "Lance go!" Shiro yelled holding Kolivan off. Lance nodded running out the door.

"Crap!" Pidge yelled getting ready to attack.

"Handle this one I will follow him" Kolivan yelled running after lance.

(Keith's POV)

"Pidge Kolivan is coming to help just hold lance off!" I said to Pidge quickly. She nodded and turned to me "it will take him a while to get here anyway" said reassuringly before a large dent was punched into the door.

Pidge and I screamed in unison. More dents came into the door. The door started to fall out of the hinge. The door finally gave way. Pidge was hit when it flew off the hinges.

Lance made eye contact with me. "Hello... half-ling" Hagar said through lance. "I've come to finish the job I started." Lance said walking towards me. "Lance stop! Hagar is messing with you!" I yelled and he walked over to me.

I felt absolutely helpless as he grabbed my arm and ripped the IV out of my arm. I would have felt pain but I was so dosed up on pain meds I didn't care. Next he ripped my oxygen mask off and sat down waiting for me to start feeling pain again.

"Lance just stop! We can help you!" I yelled starting to get my feelings of pain back. I winced and he stood up. He walked over "should I make this quick and painless... or slow and painful?..... haha What am I talking about of course you want it slow and painful!!" Lance said laughing maniacally.

"Now where is that knife of yours?..." lance asked and bent down to look for the knife. Suddenly he jumped back up "I found it!" He screeched before pulling his Arms up to stab me.

Lance suddenly swung around and a green rope wrapped around him flinging him away. I would've continued to watch the fight, but my whole body started to burn intensely. I felt tears prick my eyes tears. The burning got worse and I cried out in pain.

"Keith!!" Pidge yelled turning her attention to me. Lance smacked her over the head and she fell over.
"Well looks like the pain started to kick in again" lance said pulling the knife up again. Throwing his arms forward. The knife hit my shoulder I cried out from the burning and then the stab wound.

The knife left and a clang came form beside me. I looked and saw Kolivan holding Lance down. Everyone else ran in. Allura injected Lance with the syringe. Lance struggles before passing out.

Allura turned back to me and reconnected the IV. My nerves eased up as my body went numb again. Allura wrapped bandages around my wound, And the oxygen mask back on.

"W....o..ld t..ke ...em ba-" I was trying to listen to Kolivan, but I couldn't make out everything while I slipped into an a deep sleep.

(Pidge's POV)

I woke up to somebody shaking me. I shot up and looked over at Keith. He was fast asleep and fine. I sighed and looked at hunk. "What's up?" I asked "we are taking Lance and Shiro back to the cells" hunk said and I nodded.

"Are you Okay?" He asked "yeah probably gonna bruise but I feel fine" I flashed a smile. "What happened when I was out?" I asked him "well Lance stabbed him in the shoulder, but luckily Kolivan got here before anything else happened" Hunk said with a huge smile.

"I'm going to go get some food" hunk said before walking out leaving me in the disheveled room with Keith.

"This has been such a long day" I huffed. Keith started to tap the bed catching my attention. A tear slipped down his face. "There again aren't you?" I asked not to anyone in particular.

An idea popped into my head to see what was going on. "I will be right back!" I yelled and ran to my lab.

I opened the door and grabbed a small headset and long cord.
Then I ran back.

When I got back I slowly picked his head up and put the headset on him. I plugged it into my computer. The screen was dark but I made out the form of two characters.

"Lance I'm fine really" Keith said as he laid on Lances chest. Lance patted his hair "yeah but I still feel bad for hurting my Omega like that".

Keith smiled "well I have to admit I does feel nice to be able to move again" lance also smiled an apologetic smile.

Keith sits up and grabbed Lances cheeks like a grandma with a child. "Don't worry I forgive you" Keith said kissing Lances forehead. Lance promptly grabbed Keith by the waist and swung him onto his lap smothering him with kisses.

I cleared my throat.

1011 words
Too much drama so I gave some fluff hope you liked it. Also I got a recommendation for this story and I flipped out about it. I never thought I would become a recommended story.
♥️Thank you if you are reading this.♥️

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