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(Keith's POV)

We all sat in the med bay I had a blanket around my Shoulders. Lance had five minutes left in the pod and we were waiting for him. The pod opened and cold air flung out and hit me in the face. I used my good hand to grab onto the blanket tighter.

Thankfully hunk caught lance from face planting on the med bay floor. "Alright now to explain the plan" Allura stayed and we all sat and paid attention—- no lance and I did the others already knew.

The plan was long, but not too complicated. Pidge, Lance, and I would break into the Main Ship and hack into the cameras to search for Shiro. Hunk and Allura would wait for us to find him and move to go get him. If all went well we got back Shiro. But knowing my luck we are gonna have some more trouble with it.

~time skip brought by my lazy self~

We all sat in the bay of the green lion. Pidge said we landed and we stood up and made our way to our positions.
Once Lance, Pidge, and I made it to the Controls. And Pidge started to hack the system while lance and I stood watch. Not much happened which we all where happy about. One- because I had a broken arm and wouldn't put up much of a fight. And Two- It could be Shiro and we don't really want to fight again.
Eventually Pidge found something and said where Shiro was. I recognized the place. And so it seemed everyone else did to, but we didn't have time to leave before Shiro and Lotors generals.

We all stiffened and got ready for a fight. Ezor made the first move coming at me. I drew my blade and barely blocked. This wasn't good fighting with both hands I had trouble last time I fought her.

I noticed everyone else having some trouble as well. Until I noticed Shiro was nowhere that I could see. That worried me Shiro is not himself and is really stealthy. 

"Guys where's Shiro?!" I heard lance yell before I turned around right before Shiro kicked me off my feet.
His arm had a long blade on it which he held to my face.

I was frozen nobody noticed that I was down. Until Allura and Hunk came in. Shiro moves surprised at their entrance and I took my chance to hit him with my blade. Not good for me though he kicked it out of my hand and stepped on it pinning me to the ground. And he swung his weapon.
Luckily it barely hit the top of my nose. But he went to stab down on my head, but he hesitated and I managed to move. "Shiro! Stop you don't have to fight us!" I yelled and he responded by stabbing down again. This time it hit my cheek and drug down getting stuck in the ground next to my neck.

I took my chance and kicked him off and pushed him onto one of the control tables falling to the ground unconscious. I sighed in relief getting up and grabbing him and started to drag him to the green lion.

I got back and said into the coms "Guys come back to the ship I have Shiro!" Everyone said ok except for one person... lance. I waited with Shiro my blade ready Incase he was hostile when he woke up.

Everyone made it back to the ship Allura had lance on her back. He was unconscious and bleeding badly. "What happened?!" I yelled and quickly was met with. "He was Shot in the shoulder and face by zethrid. Now we have to try and stop the bleeding" Allura said and set lance down on the floor.

I winced just looking at it I quickly threw off my sling and pressed it against his forehead. He winced and tried to throw my hand off "Hey stop your bleeding lance!" I said taking my hand off and smacking his hand away. I pressed my hand again harder than before. Soon his blood clotted a little and we got back to the castle.
We rushed him in while hunk and Pidge got Shiro into the med bay. We put lance in a Pod and watched as it closed and froze.

"I think we should all get some rest" hunk said after putting Shiro into another pod. Everyone agreed and Coran got Me a new sling.

I watched everyone leave and grabbed my blanket from before wrapping it around myself and sitting on the floor next to Lances pod and and settled on the floor for the night.

(Lances POV)

I stumbled out of the Healing pod and rubbed my eyes. I noticed nobody was there, that was until I heard a soft snore behind me on the floor.
I turned and saw Keith on the floor in a blanket burrito. I laughed a little walking over and sat down with him moving his small form onto my chest.

He took this as a chance and snuggled into my chest moving the blanket to cover me as well. I fell asleep on the floor cuddled with my boyfriend on the floor of the med bay.

~the next morning cause Ha I'm lazy~

I woke up to a pod opening and noticed Keith did as well. I sat up and saw Shiro on the floor. He wasn't moving Keith and I shot up and ran over shaking him.
He wasn't moving in the slightest barely even breathing. "Go get Allura!" I yelled to Keith who shot to his feet and ran out. I sat with Shiro on the floor still shaking him.

Suddenly Shiro grabbed my hand tightly. "What's wrong Shiro?!" I questioned, but he pushed me down and pinned my arms above my head and sat on my waist.
"Shiro! What are you doing!" I yelled as I fought the grip on my wrist which only tightened. I noticed his eyes had a yellowish tint to it. I felt fear fill my entire being as Shiro grabbed something from behind his back. And pressed it against my neck and a large shock shot through me and I heard the door open.

1049 words
I had a plan for the story but I forgot it and remembered half way through this chapter but I enjoy the way this is turning out it is a lot better than my plan.

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