Chapter Fourty Nine

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POV Sophie

One day when I got home I called out for Steven but I didn't hear him say anything back. I walked into the bedroom and noticed the door to the bathroom was closed. When I reached for the doorknob and tried to open it, I discovered it was locked. There was a little keyhole that allowed me to look through. I saw Steven leaning against the counter with what looked like a needle. It looked as if he was ready to stick it right into a vein. I felt my heart sink and my stomach turn. No! No. I tried to scream but couldn't find the words. 
"Steven open the damn door!" I yelled as I pounded on the door.
"Don't do this! Please, I need you! Our baby needs you!" I continued to yell as tears streamed down my cheeks rapidly. I didn't stop slamming my hand against the door. I couldn't lose him and if he went down this path sooner or later I knew I would. I looked into the keyhole again and he was still clutching the needle in his left hand as he looked down at his right arm. 
"Baby, don't!" I tried to open the door even though I knew it wouldn't open. I started to breath quick and my heart pounded. I was panicking. Bad feelings made my body begin to shake. I needed to stop him but nothing was working. One thing was for sure I needed the door to open. How the fuck. I moved my body against the door and tried several times to break it down by pushing my body forcefully and painfully against but my petite body was no match for the door. I must have tried almost a hundred times before I finally gave up on trying to break the door down. I slid down against the door in tears. 
"Baby, please. I can't lose you." I whispered as my cheek resting against the cold door. I placed one hand against the door as I was on the ground. 
"We need you. We all love you. Paul, Christine, David, Joe. We're a family and without you, without you we'd be completely and utterly lost." I whispered as I closed my eyes and tears streamed down my cheeks like a waterfall. I looked at my cellphone that rested on the night stand and it was as a lightbulb went off in my mind. I quickly got up and ran to grab it. I took it with me outside and quickly dialed Paul. 
"Paul! Come quick please I need your help." 
"What happened?" 
"I'll explain when you get here but please come quick!" 
"I'll be right there." Paul said as I hung up the phone and ran back inside. 
I looked through the keyhole again and Steven was taking deep breaths as he looked at his arm. Luckily, the needle wasn't in his arm yet but I feared that if Paul didn't get here quick enough it would be too late. 

POV Paul 

I started to get up and put on some clothes. 
"I have to go, Sophie called me and she was freaking out and I'm worried it might have something to do with Steven." 
"Oh my god, do you want me to come with you?" 
"No stay with Sam. I'll call you." I said as I leaned down and kissed her before running out the door. Sophie and Steven lived in the same building as David and Sherrie which was a few blocks down. I ran as fast as I could until I got to the building. I clicked the elevator button repeatedly as my hands shook and I took it all the way up to where the two penthouses were located. One side was David and Sherrie and the other was Sophie and Steven's. I ran in and found Sophie by the bathroom door. Sophie was crying as she leaned against the bathroom door. 
"What's going on, Sophie?" I asked.
Sophie tried to collect herself so she could explain and I hugged her. "I don't know. I came home and when I called out to him he didn't respond and then when I came in here I noticed the bathroom door was closed and when I went to open it, it was locked. Then I looked into this keyhole and Paul I think he's about to do heroin. We need to stop him before it's too late." 
I tried to open the door but it wouldn't open. "Steven, open the door." I shouted. 
"Fuck off Paul, this has nothing to do with you Sophie shouldn't have called you!" Steven shouted back.
"Fuck Steven, if you don't open this door in three second I will break it down."
"You're bluffing. Asshole." 
I clenched my fists and jaw and with all my strength I pushed my body into the door and it opened. 
"Am I still bluffing?" I yelled as I grabbed the needle from him and threw it behind me. Sophie grabbed it and put it behind her back. I saw Steven's vein from a tight rope wrapped around his upper arm and I undid it 
"What the fuck were you thinking? You stupid fuck! I told you to get yourself into rehab a couple months ago and since you didn't listen I'm driving your ass there myself." I said as I grabbed his arm. Before making it to the door I heard him whisper. "I'm sorry." I could barely hear him but I knew what he said. "I'm so sorry." Steven said as he started to sob. I turned to look at him and Sophie looked at me and nodded. I let him go and stood by the door. Sophie took him in her arms and he wrapped his arms around her as he cried into her shoulder. 
"I'm so sorry baby. This is how I lost you all those years ago. I can't lose you again." Steven said sobbing. 
"It's okay. Hey, listen to me. I'm not going anywhere but you need to get help. We are doing this because we love you and I'm not leaving you. I'll go visit you every single day but you need this. If you want to be around to watch our baby grow up and be as successful as you are you need to get help and we will be there for you." Sophie said as he hands were placed on his cheeks. Steven nodded slowly as he rested his forehead against hers. 
"O-okay." he whispered. Steven took a deep breath and looked at me. 
"I'm ready." he said. I nodded and I hailed a taxi. I requested he drop us off at the nearest rehab facility. 
"If you had gone through with what you almost did and got hooked. That shit could have ended up killing you. Sophie was a mess man. She thought she was going to lose her. This is the second time you do this shit to her. You're damn lucky she loves you as much as she does because you could have lost her and your baby." I said as I looked at him. I was angry but I was more concerned. When he was hooked on cocaine it was bad but if he had gone down this dark path with heroin, he may not have gotten out alive. 
"There was a part of me that was telling me to not do it and it was winning but another part urged me to stick the needle in my arm and all the pain would go away, I can still feel the pain I felt when I got shot so many years ago." 
"We will find a better way man. We always do." 
"I guess I'm lucky that I'm surrounded by people that care so much about me. Thanks for coming." 
"I always will brother." I said.

With Steven in rehab Ian made arrangements to postpone the tour until Steven got out. Steven was due to be in rehab for a month. Ian told us that a week or two after they release Steven we would start the tour. 


I few weeks after Steven had been admitted into rehab I heard a knock on my door. It was Christine and Samantha. 
"There's my birthday girl." I said as I hugged Samantha. 
"Fifteen years, I can't believe it." 
"Dad, relax it's only fifteen, stop being dramatic." Samantha said as Christine and I both laughed softly.  I smiled as I put an arm around my daughter.
"You can't imagine how fast it's gone by for me and your mom. We love you so much." 
"I've been taking some music lessons from mom and I wanted to show you how good I've become." 
I raised my eyebrow and smiled. 
"Piano and voice?" I asked. 
Samantha nodded as she grabbed my hand and took me to the piano. Samantha sat down but before playing she looked up at us. 
"You've inspired me with you music ever since I was a little girl. I want to follow in your footsteps. Maybe I won't be in a band but maybe I'll be a solo artist. Who knows? All I know is that I want to be successful just like you." Samantha said with a smile. I looked over at Christine who was also smiling and chuckled. 
"You are going to be successful no matter what you do." I said. 
Samantha smiled and just as she was about to play her phone started to buzz. She grabbed it and checked it. As soon as she read the name a big smile was painted across her face. 
"I've got to take this." Samantha said as she got up and picked up. "Hey babe." Samantha said as she walked off. I looked over at Christine with wide eyes.
"Did she just say?"
"Babe? Sure did, our daughter has a boyfriend." 
"And you allowed it?" 
"I was sixteen when I started dating you and she's only a year younger but don't worry all her dates will be chaperoned at least until she's sixteen." 
"I'll accept it but I sure as hell don't like it, and I want to meet the little punk."
"Calm down, he's a nice boy. Studies theatre, Sam loves that kind of stuff and he is very respectable." Christine said as she smiled softly at my overprotectiveness.

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