Chapter Fourteen

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POV Sunshine

On Saturday morning I received a call at ten am. I answered. 
"Zach?" I smiled it was Zach Taylor. Zach Taylor was the young coach of the football team. I don't know how it happened but we fell in love. I knew he was older and a teacher but it didn't matter to us, we were in love. 
"Would you like to come over?" He asked. 
"I'll be there in twenty minutes." I said as I smiled and hung up the phone. I got dressed and grabbed my bag. I drove over to his place and then I knocked. Zach kissed me and I walked inside. 
"Well you're in luck I made us breakfast." Zach said as he led me to his dining room. The scent hit me like a bag of bricks. One the table I saw pancakes, bacon, eggs, and orange juice for two. I couldn't help but blush. What a romantic gesture. I sat down and he pulled a rose from behind his back and gave it to me. My heart melted. Zach pulled out my chair for me and then sat next to me. We began to eat and it was one of the most delicious meals I had ever tasted. Zach was quite the cook. When I caught him staring my heart skipped a beat. The only downside of our relationship was that we needed to keep it hidden. At least it was only for a few months because in May I would be a high school graduate. His blue eyes pierced into my very soul and those were the same eyes I fell in love with the first time I ever saw them. Zach placed his hand over mine on the table and he winked at me. 
"Any luck finding a band to manage?" I asked. 
"I've got my eyes on a certain band, they look like they are getting successful and if they do I'll manage them and probably stop coaching at the school." Zach said. Zach was a coach at the school but he was into management and he had always wanted to manage a successful band, so he was on the hunt for a band that he could help rise to the top. 
"What band?" 
"They're called The Runaways." Zach said as I almost choked on my food. My ex-boyfriend was the drummer of that band. Steven. 
"I know them, I'm good friends with them." I said. 
"They seem to be doing very well for themselves." Zach said as I nodded. It was true, they have been growing in popularity ever since they got David in the band. The four of them together was the perfect mix and it showed with the increase in fans. 

After breakfast we showered and I laid down on his couch with him. I was hummed a tune to a song I had written. I was very into music myself and wanted to become a singer after high school.
"What's that?" Zach asked. 
"It's a song I wrote."
"I have a piano, do you know it from the top of your head? I'd love to hear it." Zach said. I blushed but nodded as he led me to his piano. I sat down at the piano and played the intro of it before finally singing. I concentrated on the key and the piano played because the lyrics were engraved in my mind. After I played the song I looked up at him and he was smiling. 
"That was beautiful." 
"You really think so?" 
"I do." Zach said with his charming smile. 
Zach sat down next to me and looked into my eyes. My heart was fluttering. He placed his hand on my cheek softly and kissed me. I kissed him back and wrapped my arms around his neck.  

The rest of the day flew by and we found ourselves in his bedroom watching television. After a few minutes we ignored the television and were kissing. Zach was on top of me and kissing my neck and my collarbone. I bit my lip and closed my eyes. Lust was taking over my body and it was a pleasurable sensation. We both had to take a break to catch our breath. 
"Would you like something to drink?" Zach asked. 
"Water." I said as he got up. Zach left the room and returned with a bottle of water and a bottle of beer. I took a sip and then placed it on the nightstand. 
"Do you have any idea how desirable you are?" Zach asked as I blushed. 
"I want to make love to you." Zach said as my face warmed and my cheeks turned red. 
"I-I don't know if I'm ready yet." 
"I'm not going to push you, I'm just saying that whenever you're ready you can tell me and I'll make sure to make it something you won't forget." I smiled as I snuggled into him.
"Soon, I promise." I looked up at him and he kissed me again. 

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