Chapter Fourty Five

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POV Paul

"You already know I'm not looking for anything serious. I tell you every time we finish having sex that this is only casual sex." I said to the brunette that was standing beside me getting dressed. I walked her out and got a phone call. 
I heard Christine on the line, she was out of breath and sounded as if she was having trouble breathing. "Paul I need you, something happened to Joe. He isn't responding." 
I tried to process everything that Christine was saying and I felt a pit in my stomach. 
"I'm on my way."
I ran to my closet and threw on the first things I saw and ran out the door. When I arrived I saw Samantha crying as she faced the closed door of her parents room. 
"Samantha, what's going on honey?" 
"Something is wrong with my daddy." Samantha cried as she hugged me. I hugged her and then knelt down to her level. 
"Go to your room, everything is going to be alright, I promise." I said as she nodded slowly and made her way to her bedroom. 
When Samantha closed the door to her bedroom I opened the door to Christine's bedroom and she was crying as she looked at his limp body laying down on the ground. Christine had a red mark on her cheek and I looked at her before looking at him. 
"Did he hit you?" I asked. 
"He didn't mean to... when he did he panicked and then he started having trouble breathing and then he just passed out." Christine said as she cried. I jumped when I heard Samantha scream behind us. 
"Daddy!" Samantha said as she dropped to her knees in tears. Christine went to Samantha as I looked at Joe. I saw blood coming out of his nose and white powder. 
"You stupid fuck..." I whispered. I placed two fingers on his wrist and pressed down. He still had a pulse but it was very weak. I grabbed Joe's arms and placed him on the sofa. 
"Christine, call an ambulance."
Christine called an ambulance and it arrived quickly. We called Ryan to come and stay with Samantha as Christine and I went with Joe to the hospital. 
When we arrived the doctors told us Joe had a poisoned batch of cocaine and that we were lucky we got here quickly. A few more minutes and he could have died. I watched Christine's reaction to what the doctor was saying and I knew that she had enough of his shit. It was really over between them. Joe fucked up and it cost him Christine. When the doctor walked away I sat down in the waiting room next to her. 
"Hey, you alright?" I asked. Christine faced me and frowned. 
"No. How could I have been so blind and not able to tell he was back on that shit?" 
"Don't think about that right now."
"My cheek hurts." 
"I don't want you to continue living with him. I'd rather have you and Samantha come live with me while we stick his ass in rehab." 
Christine looked at me in tears and I hugged her tightly. 
"I'm never going to let anything happen to you ever again." 
"I love you so much." 
"I do too. Go home and get some rest. I'll stay here and let you know when he wakes up." I said as I called David to explain what had happened and asked him to come and pick Christine up and take her home.

A few hours later I sat down in Joe's room and saw him start to open his eyes. He looked confused and looked at me. 
"You're lucky to be alive you stupid fuck." I said in anger. 
"What happened?" 
"You took a bad batch of cocaine and nearly died. What the fuck man!? I thought you were done with that shit." 
Joe looked down and sighed. "I'm sorry." 
"I bet you are, I saw what you did to her before you ass passed out. You fucking hit her! How fucking dare you? I've had to sit back for years and watch you date, kiss, hug, perform, leave, have a child, and marry the woman I love. I've never moved on from her Joe but I sat back because you are my best friend. Ever since Janet came up with that story of her being pregnant it ruined us and then you came in and things got even more complicated. Christine tried to make things work with you because she loves her daughter more than anything and she wants Sam to be happy but I am not going to let you destroy yourself and bring her down with you. Christine is done  this time. Christine has forgiven you for many things but this time you really fucked things up." 
Joe watched me as I spoke and nodded sadly. "I never meant for anyone to get hurt especially not her."
"This better be the last time you do cocaine because I'd to see you lose more than what you already have. You lost Christine this time and I don't want you to lose anything else. We are putting your ass in rehab." 

POV Christine 

The next day David drove me to the hospital and I asked Paul to give me a moment alone with Joe. Paul nodded as he stepped out. I crossed my arms and gave him an icy glare. "I'm so sorry." 
"Trust me I know. You say it every time you do something fucked up. I'm not mad about you hitting me, I was even willing to forgive you if you promised to never do it again because I know you aren't a bad person but what I can't forgive is that you were doing drugs in our home behind my back for God knows how long and our daughter saw you almost die and hasn't recovered from that. When you get out of here you are going to go to rehab and after that I want you out of the house. I want a divorce, I've wanted one for a while but after you pulled this stunt I want it now." 
"It's over? For good?" 
"Yes Joe! How can you possibly think I would stay with you after this? I've forgiven you way too many time and every time it turns out to be a mistake. I'm not going to sit around and let myself fall into addiction and watch you kill yourself. As far as Samantha is concerned I don't want you to see her until you are clean." 
Joe looked down and nodded. He knew he fucked things up and that he needed to make a change in his life. "I'm sorry for everything especially for forcing this relationship on you for all these years." 
"Thank you but I'm not ready for forgive you just yet. Clean yourself up and then maybe we'll talk."
"If I could go back and do things differently I would." 
"I wouldn't, we go through things and we learn from our experiences, I may be upset with you but if we never got together Samantha wouldn't exist and I love her with all my heart and I know you do too." 
"I love you." 
I looked at him and sighed. 
"I know and I loved you in my own way too." 

A couple weeks later I signed divorce papers and then sent them to Joe. Joe was checked into a rehab facility and I was at home with Samantha. She had just turned fourteen a couple of days ago and I was thirty two. I was making breakfast with her when I heard a knock. 
"Sam, open the door." 
Sam squealed and giggled. 
"Mom, it's Paul." 
"Hey gorgeous." Paul said to Samantha before walking over to me. 
"What a surprise." I said.
"I finally have a chance to get things right, I am not going to let anything ruin that." Paul said as he kissed my cheek. I noticed Samantha who was watching us with a grin on her face. Ever since Joe had left to rehab Paul had been coming over everyday spending time with me and Sam. 
"Mom, you look really happy." Samantha said as she hugged me and then Paul.
"Thank you for making my mom happy." 
"Always." Paul said hugging her back but looking at me. 
"Don't forget you Uncle Ryan is coming to pick you up and take you out today." I said to Samantha as I continued to cook. 
Samantha went to her room to get ready. Paul placed his hands on my sides from behind and kissed my cheek again. 
"I was wondering, if you wanted. I could stay with you and Sam for a couple of days." 
"Is this a subtle way of saying you want to move in?" I asked giggling softly. 
"Damn, you know all my secrets." Paul said teasingly. 
I turned my body so that I was facing him and placed my hands on his cheeks.
"Consider yourself the newest member of this household." I said as I placed a peck on his lips. 

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